
Doom approaches.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever had an accomplishment in an MMO you didn’t realize until later?

Back when vanilla World of Warcraft was a new thing, I soloed Hogger on my Paladin. This did not strike me as all that...

The Daily Grind: What’s your latest MMO achievement?

Achievements in MMOs are a nice way of marking off things that you've done, but there are no achievements for personal goals. You do...
Really studying the heck out of a skull.

World of Warcraft Demon Hunter solos normal Gul’dan

A Demon Hunter should be able to kill demons. That's their one job description, and so it should be no surprise that World of...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

The Daily Grind: What are you proud of accomplishing in an MMO?

Sometimes I wonder if my list of accomplishments in the games that I've played is worth anything. I certainly did not have multiple 75s...
Great old.

The Daily Grind: What do you do when you ‘finish’ your main MMO goals?

There's a sense of satisfaction when you wrap up a big set of goals. You're downed the last boss of the last raid tier...
And it burns, burns, burns.

Five players clear most of WoW’s current high-end raid

How many players does it take to clear a high-end raid in World of Warcraft? If you said "20," you would be correct for...