alpha testing

Late in the game is better than not in the game, I suppose.

Betawatch: Das Tal becomes The Exiled (August 19, 2016)

There's a certain risk involved in changing your game's name after people have already gotten used to a name. After all, people might not...

Gamescom 2016: Star Citizen’s annual presentation

Gamescom will once again play host to Star Citizen's annual presentation today. Kicking off at 3 p.m. EDT (when this post first goes live!), the event...

Valiance Online preps new character creator while City of Titans spies on villains

Time to catch up on the sinister plans and inspirational acts of City of Heroes' spiritual successors. Don't worry: We won't tell anyone your...

Gamescom 2016: Star Citizen’s free-fly event

Cloud Imperium is on the Gamescom show floor this week demoing Star Citizen for press and fans alike. If you're wishing you could join...

Children of Ur adds localized weather

What's the weather going to be like today in your game? You might just have to ask this if you're apt to play Children of...

LawBreakers returns to development following alpha

Boss Key's CliffyB and Rohan Rivas star in a new dev vlog today rounding up the results of LawBreakers' recent alpha playtest and offering...
Whoooo likes teleporting?

Project Gorgon aims for Steam early access ‘soon’

Starved for news concerning indie MMO Project Gorgon? Then prepare to gorge yourself silly on a new developer diary that stuffs so much info...
Drift-slidin' away.

Betawatch: Worlds Adrift gets big money (August 12, 2016)

Money, as we all know, makes the world go round. Even when that world is adrift, as in the appropriately named Worlds Adrift. In...

Glimpse Lawbreaker’s high-flying Vanguard in action

If the none of the classes revealed for LawBreakers has tickled your fancy yet, perhaps the Vanguard will. Nexon released a short clip that...
Challenge: Get queued up.

Eternal Crusade promises news on its MMO mechanics

Behaviour Interactive has a new Eternal Crusade Q&A up with a question that addresses the MMO component of the game and how it relates...
This is fine.

Betawatch: Elder Scrolls Legends opens up (August 5, 2016)

If you've been waiting for something a bit more scroll-happy before jumping on the virtual card game train, you'll be happy to know that...

Massively Overthinking: One more chance for WoW Legion?

The World of Warcraft subreddit went nuts this week over a response to a player who told Blizzard that it had "one more chance... again"...

Giveaway: Lawbreakers alpha keys from Nexon and MOP [All gone!]

Nexon's kicking off an alpha weekend for LawBreakers this coming Saturday. Wanna jump in and try it yourself? The studio has granted Massively OP 1000 keys for the...

Gloria Victis unleashes a trio of pre-alpha patches

Early game development is often marked by frequent patching as the team feverishly works to shape and mold the title. Gloria Victis is definitely...
The car don't work.

Escape from Tarkov previews its technical alpha testing specs

The purpose of Escape from Tarkov's technical alpha starting on August 4th is to see how the game works under strain. It is not...

Edengrad gears up for its upcoming alpha

If you knew the end of the world was coming, what would you want to get done before it happened? For Edengrad's post-apocalyptic setting,...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Chronicles of Elyria on expanding team, creature models, and backer-only videos

This week's Chronicles of Elyria update features the Ursaphant mount, which is exactly what is sounds like: an adorable elephant bear thing. Soulbound Studios says...

Guns of Icarus fires off a week of open alpha

Welcome to August, friends -- and welcome to the war as well. As of today, Guns of Icarus has opened the doors to all...

Check out Master X Master’s wicked PvE side

Astute readers out there might recall that one of the reasons Master X Master is getting so much word-of-mouth praise is how the MOBA...

The Daily Grind: When did you think an MMO sucked, only to change your mind once you played it?

A boardgame YouTuber I follow said something in his last video that I thought applied so beautifully to everything -- including MMORPGs. Chaz Marler has...