
See: ArenaNet

Guild Chat: Guild size and its effect on cohesion

Welcome along to Guild Chat, my cozy corner of the internet in which we can discuss all things guilds, the place where we all...
Oh, the classics.

ArenaNet is hosting a Guild Wars 10th anniversary contest

Do you fancy yourself a Guild Wars expert? If so, you should enter ArenaNet's new Guild Wars 10th anniversary contest. There are 10 questions...

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns interview unwraps specializations and traits

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, readers of all races, professions, and levels: I finally have the news we've all been waiting for! Today...
Forward, my friends. To houses!

Guild Wars 2 talks up PvP tourneys, app development challenge

ArenaNet can't stop talking about competitive Guild Wars 2 PvP here lately, and today brings us a blog post focused on the World Tournament Series...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold PvP

The PvP team at ArenaNet is steadily gearing up for the release of the Heart of Thorns expansion, with the PvP-inclined among the Guild Wars...

Global Chat: Are WoW Tokens worth it?

The debut of World of Warcraft Tokens into the game's economy has caused quite a stir, particularly after the prices plunged during the first...
Screw history!

Earn this Guild Wars 2 llama by PvPing

How would you like to own the most lavish llama in the lands of Tyria? All you need to do is participate in one...
Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 announces its third Tourney of Legends

Do you like Guild Wars 2? Do you like PvP? If you answered yes and yes, the fact that ArenaNet has announced its third Tournament...
Masters without blasters.

Guild Wars 2 explains the philosophy of Masteries

Players are not getting a level cap bump with Heart of Thorns; the apex of power in Guild Wars 2 will remain Level 80....

Guild Wars plans ‘huge bash’ for its 10th anniversary

The Guild Wars that started it all will turn 10 years old on April 26th, which means one thing: party time! ArenaNet announced that Guild...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Exclusive Guild Wars 2 Maguuma Hylek interview

I had the pleasure of chatting with Scott McGough, a Guild Wars 2 narrative designer who is currently working hard on Heart of Thorns content, about...
We had a bet running that it would take longer.

Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold public beta is today; here’s a guide

You can play Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion PvP mode right now! The Stronghold public beta is today! And then it closes up shop...

The Stream Team: Giving away more Guild Wars 2

What? Massively OP's MJ has another copy of Guild Wars 2 to give away, you say? And this is a deluxe edition? Well hot...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs that let you turn real money into MMO money

Two days ago, World of Warcraft launched the WoW Token service, which will kill the game forever. It thus joins the list of every...
You get a stronghold! And you get a stronghold! Everybody here gets a stronghold!

Guild Wars 2 will run a 24-hour public Stronghold beta

Are you unable to contain your excitement for Heart of Thorns much longer? Do you need a taste of the expansion right now? Because...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Four fabulous Guild Wars 2 vistas worth visting

Guild Wars 2 makes me tick because the creatives at ArenaNet have laid such a unique and amazingly vast world at my character's feet, filled with...

Global Chat: Are MMO players too mean to game developers?

Is it too easy to forget that MMOs, like all video games, are made by people just like you and I? Belghast over at...
This is what happens when you give guns to plants.

Guild Wars 2 hopes to reinspire interest in story

It's hard to be a Sylvari in Guild Wars 2 at the moment. After all, the plant people have an undeniable tie to the...
You would think that we'd be tired of hearing stories like this, but mostly we just wish that people weren't dying.

Guild Wars 2 memorializes a fallen mother

Last September, a Guild Wars 2 player shared a story about his departed wife. She died from complications during the birth of the couple's...

Have fun in Guild Wars 2’s ‘jungle playground’

Just because Guild Wars 2 is adding more zones with Heart of Thorns doesn't mean that these maps will be the same-old experiences with...