‘Buy-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that have box or download fees associated with them but do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid B2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.
Massively Overthinking: Do you multibox in MMORPGs?
Last week on Twitter, I saw someone refer disparagingly to EVE Online as "the multiboxing game." I want to talk about the concept of...
Elder Scrolls Online’s Fallen Banners DLC arrives to console players with an active subscription
This week has brought the option for console fans of Elder Scrolls Online to delve into a pair of new dungeons provided they have...
The Stream Team: Searching for salvaging scraps in Elite Dangerous
You would be curious for wondering why MOP's Chris is effectively looking to dive into dumpsters in outer space, but it is for a...
No Man’s Sky invites you to try your hand at space paleontology in its new Relics update
Who's ready to hunt for dinosaur bones... in space? No Man's Sky thinks you are, and that's exactly what you'll be doing in its...
Guild Wars 2 gives world-vs-world a pat on the back and a kick in the keister
Guild Wars 2 players better have a good grasp on Janthir Wilds' Repentance update so far because in this week's patch it's getting a...
The Stream Team: To bee or not to bee in Guild Wars 2
To bee, or not to bee -- that is the question. And the answer for Massively OP's MJ is obviously, to bee! Guild Wars...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 511: Heroes shall arise
Justin and Bree discuss Dune Awakening's monetization, Guild Wars 2 expansion delay, Marvel Heroes' rogue server, the decline of extraction RPGs (and demise of Seekers of Skyveil), and new MMOs Crosswind and Spirit Crossing, with adventures in LOTRO, World of Warcraft, and Sims 4.
The Elder Scrolls Online starts up its week-long Cyrodiil Champions PvP test
Adventurers of The Elder Scrolls Online, the nation of Cyrodiil needs you! Wait, is Cyrodiil a nation or a region? I searched on my...
The Stream Team: King Nantharion’s Gambit in Elder Scrolls Online
Is King Nantharion using the staff of Many Paths to create a new wildburn seed that will turn all of West Weald into a...
One Shots: Light pollution over Bree
Are you under the assumption that light pollution is the sole product of the modern era? You've obviously never visited Lord of the Rings...
Guild Wars 2 previews April 15’s balance patch and its focus on PvE and WvW tweaks
Get your favorite clutchin' pearls ready and prepare your fingers for knee-jerk reaction posts because Guild Wars 2 has once again provided preview patch...
The Elder Scrolls Online returns the Jester’s Festival to the realms on March 27
Who wants to fool around? What about goofing? Making merry? Joshing? You know, getting up to some antics? The Elder Scrolls Online is one...
Warframe of Mind: First impressions of Techrot Encore
Here is the initial column I wrote about the most recent Warframe patch in its totality: On Tuesday, I did not have Secondary Merciless...
The Stream Team: The start of Guild Wars 2’s Repentance
Investigate? Explore? Why yes, Massively OP's MJ will be quite delighted to do that in Guild Wars 2. Those are her favorite pastimes, after...
Guild Wars 2 delays its unrevealed 2025 expansion from August to October
Guild Wars 2's schedule has been off a smidge all year - and it's about to get another smidge worse.
"While we've released our last...
The Steam spring sale is upon us with deals on MMOs from New World Aeternum to Pantheon
Is it actually spring? No. But do you actually need an excuse for a Steam sale? Also no! But that's exactly what we got...
Massively Overthinking: Toxic positivity in the land of MMORPGs
As I type this, we've been watching the Lord of the Rings Online transfer situation unfold for over a week now, and I've personally...
Albion Online’s latest patch to Rogue Frontier is all about the balance changes
If you've thought to yourself recently that ZvZ combat in Albion Online feels like an all-axes pass because axes were just too powerful, good...
The Elder Scrolls Online kicks off another free-play event through March 20
Have you heard of the critically acclaimed MMORPG... The Elder Scrolls Online? Wait, is this right? It is hosting a free play event, and that...
Guild Wars 2 nerfs Lowland Expertise to fix it in today’s mini-update
Today's Guild Wars 2 hotfix comes with a specific fix for a Janthir Wilds bug that has sent some players into a tizzy. Initially,...