beta testing

Perfect Ten: The most exciting MMO developments yet to come in 2016

In the annals of MMORPG history, 2016 might well go down as a very odd duck of a year. While on the surface it...

Aeria says it’s launching Twin Saga for the West in August

First announced for the west back in April, the class-swapping, portable-housing-laden anime MMORPG Twin Saga is now on the way for westerners in August, Aeria Games...
Jazzhands are happening

AdventureQuest 3D is hitting open beta very soon

Are you sporting a Massively Overpowered cape in AdventureQuest 3D without anyone around to appreciate its sublime awesomeness? Be patient just a little bit...
Cats are cats.

Leaderboard: Are you preparing for WoW Legion?

Legion is coming. Last week, Blizzard began pushing out the pre-patch for pre-launch events for World of Warcraft's Legion expansion. That means Demon Hunters are...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s Q&A bonanza (July 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Tree of Savior spotlights the Swordsman

"Dear Massively OP," we fully expect a fan to email us, "Today I was disturbed and perplexed at the sight of a jouster sitting...
Must we?

Betawatch: World of Warcraft and the art of pre-patch trolling (July 7, 2016)

We have a launch date for World of Warcraft's next expansion, but we don't have a date for the pre-patch before the expansion launches....

Atlas Reactor reveals free-play event, new toons, and Blur trailer

Trion has a huge closed beta week planned for Atlas Reactor starting today (through July 17th) with a free-play event for the normally B2P,...

Riders of Icarus is already opening a new server

That didn't take long -- Nexon is apparently already opening new servers, at least in Europe, to handle the influx of players sweeping into Riders...

WoW’s patch preloading begins ahead of Legion beta launch test today

World of Warcraft players, get ready to hurry up and wait: A massive 20-gb patch has begin preloading in, heralding the pre-launch 7.0...

Albion Online overhauls several systems for its final beta

Is everyone super-excited about Albion Online's final beta test coming next month? Not only is there something magical about the word "final" in game...

Riders of Icarus’ (soft) launch-day roundup and trailer

The high-flying, gorgeous Nexon MMORPG Riders of Icarus has soft launched into the skies of open beta today, meaning anyone and everyone can mount...
It shouldn't consistently work, but it does.

World of Warcraft asks players to hunt demons for Legion beta keys

We now know what World of Warcraft was teasing for players the other day. The bad news for those of you hoping for a...
Thrill to the adventures of Shoutmouth Missilehat!

Atlas Reactor opens up its closed beta for everyone until July 17

Starting on July 8th, you can jump into Atlas Reactor's closed beta, even if you're not normally one of the people in the closed...
Ride or... just ride, actually.

Betawatch: Riders of Icarus moves into head start (July 1, 2016)

Riders of Icarus has not launched yet; it's in head start. Yes, head start before open beta, rather than before, like, launch or something....

Giveaway: AdventureQuest 3D early access and cape keys starring Massively OP’s mascot Mo

We've had our eye on AdventureQuest 3D since its successful Kickstarter bid last year. It's the spiritual successor to a massively popular flash game, only...

WoW Factor: The hope I have for Legion

Every week, in Final Fantasy XI, the three main player nations are competing in a form of passive PvP known as conquest. The nation...

The Stream Team: Digging into Riders of Icarus’ cash shop

The beta doors of Riders of Icarus won't swing open for everyone until next week, but MassivelyOP's MJ is heading in to the headstart....
Glub glub.

Black Desert: From Korea’s open beta to now

Pearl Abyss has released a new trailer this morning for its Korean Black Desert players showcasing the game's progress from its original open beta...

Albion Online prepares for its final beta test phase

The end of the world is just the beginning, at least according to several movie poster taglines that we've read. And as the sun...