blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Black Desert’s Mystic is fully playable today, just watch out for the yeti

Did ya roll your Mystic last week to get all your free loot in the MMO we just named most underrated of 2017? If...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 148: Vampires, kobolds, and pirates

Justin and Bree discuss MOP's December awards, DDO, Secret World Legends, Path of Exile, Hearthstone, Sea of Thieves, RIFT, and Blade and Soul, with mailbag questions on returning to MMOs and love for Champs Online.

Leaderboard: Which MMO gameplay type encourages the worst player behavior?

One of the common tropes held by MMORPG players is that PvP, particularly free-for-all environments prone to ganks, generates the worst type of behavior....
Big help.

SuperData says the e-sports industry grew to $1.5B this year alone

SuperData has a new report out this week that suggests e-sports haters will not be getting what they want for Christmas. "The esports market has...

World of Warcraft’s Celestalon moves over to Hearthstone team

He's giving a sad goodbye to World of Warcraft but a happy hello to Hearthstone, as Game Designer Chadd "Celestalon" Nervig has switched teams over...

Overwatch’s Tracer spotted in Ready Player One trailer

The official trailer is now out for Steven Spielberg's Ready Player One, and Overwatch fans may be pleasantly surprised to see a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo...

The MOP Up: Heroes of the Storm mains Hanzo (December 10, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Boy band cover art

It's one thing to strike a pose and get a good-looking selfie in there, it's another to coordinate a whole group of twitchy gamers...

LOTRO Legendarium: Fixing Lord of the Rings Online’s grouping problem

One of the quirks -- and frustrations -- of MMORPGs is that there never seems to be one game that truly has it all....
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: Reconsidering the next few months of World of Warcraft

There's a lot of information coming out about patch 7.3.5 at this point. Not everything, of course, and a lot of it is based...

Overwatch snags two Game Awards while Destiny 2 is honored by six nominations

Did you catch last night's Game Awards from LA? If not, you probably didn't miss anything super-groundbreaking, although Overwatch did quite well for itself...
Damn you!

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2017

Think of all the wacky things devs have said in public in front of gamers and journalists this year. Now imagine what gets said behind...

Overwatch teases new Winter Wonderland skins and Mei’s Yeti Hunt

Winter Wonderland is indeed returning to Overwatch next week on December 12th, and Game Director Jeff Kaplan is not doing anything to quell the...

Check out World of Warcraft’s allied races jokes and flirts, plus guilds topple Antorus bosses

Back in the day, the only way we'd learn about the many jokes and flirt lines for races in World of Warcraft was by...
So what WILL you take?

Hearthstone: Kobolds and Catacombs is live today with free card packs

Today, Hearthstone players across the world will, indeed, take candle. Blizzard's popular card game launched its newest expansion today, Kobolds and Catacombs. First revealed at...
The Quick and the Gay

Overwatch League begins as Philadelphia Fusion pulls out

It's a less-than-ideal way for Blizzard's long-awaited esports league to begin. The Overwatch League preseason began this week, although not with all of the expected...
Oh look.

Perfect Ten: The healthiest live MMORPGs at the end of 2017

As Counting Crows told us, it's been a long December, although the fact that it has also only just started being December speaks to...

The Daily Grind: What feature from another game would you import into your favorite MMO?

One of the everlasting points of contention between me and the MMO industry is that no game gets everything right. Gah! Can't you mold...

Crowfall: ‘You don’t have to get into the stats to have a good time in this game’

Crowfall's J. Todd Coleman and Billy Garretsen are back for another ACE Q&A - you can pretty much mark the months by these things....
Just fight the thing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 147: Daybreak but not that one

Justin and Bree discuss Secret World Legends, Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, Star Citizen, Guild Wars 2, Skyforge, and the cost of making games, with a lengthy mailbag-inspired discussion on minimaps.