blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

El barfo.

World of Warcraft previews the pets of patch 6.2

There's no reason to ask about whether or not you're looking forward to World of Warcraft's next major patch; if you're playing the game,...
Oh, this is going poorly.

Nexon Korea apparently yoinked some Blizzard artwork

There are certain phrases you never really expect to come up over the course of a work day, and boy, "Nexon steals artwork from...

Global Chat: What do you remember about Guild Wars?

Late last month, the classic Guild Wars transcended its 10th birthday and prompted a flood of nostalgic posts and shared stories. A few MMO...

Heroes of the Storm goes into open beta, prepares for launch

With two weeks left until the launch of Heroes of the Storm, anticipation is growing over Blizzard's entry into the MOBA field. Well, now...

The World of Warcraft selfie scavenger hunt is on

You laughed when they brought the selfie camera to World of Warcraft. You rolled your eyes at friends who spammed your Twitter feed with...

Here’s a look at Orgrim from the Warcraft movie

Wired has our first look at Orgrim from Duncan Jones' forthcoming Warcraft film. Who's Orgrim? Well, he's an orc warchief and the creation of...

Blizzard ordered to pay costs in stymied lawsuit against gold seller

It's not always a foregone conclusion that Blizzard will emerge triumphant from its many court cases. Recently, it chalked one up in the "loss"...

See two of Overwatch’s superheroes in action

Which Overwatch character are you going to pick when you get into the beta? That's a hard call to make before you can actually...

The cowpocalypse hits Diablo III for its anniversary

Hey, would you look at that: Today is Diablo III's third anniversary! Of course, this being a hell-torn haunted world, there can't be a...

World of Warcraft dev attributes subscriber drop to ‘cyclical’ play patterns

Losing three million subscribers? That might be a big thing to some people, but for World of Warcraft Lead Game Designer Ion Hazzikostas, it...

WoW Factor: A three million loss lesson

It's been a little while, hasn't it, friends? In the time since I last penned WoW Factor (which missed an installment purely due to...

Heroes of the Storm World Championship coming to BlizzCon

With the well-fought Heroes of the Dorm tournament out of the way, Blizzard is preparing an even larger community event for Heroes of the...

World of Warcraft goes on the offensive against bots

World of Warcraft botters, beware: Blizzard is coming after you hard. The studio said yesterday that it has leveled the banhammer against several accounts...

Heroes of the Storm devs talk Kael’Thas and character design

Wondering how Blizzard's developers choose from the studio's incredible roster of characters and then crafted those selections into Heroes of the Storm's champions? Then...

Elder Scrolls Online loses two key devs, WoW picks up Moorgard from EQ Next

The MMO industry is a vibrant market that's always shifting as developers move between projects. So who has gone where lately? For starters, former EverQuest...
Oh, yeah, we sort of see it now.

Did you know Diablo III was once planned as an MMO?

It's indisputable that World of Warcraft took a lot of nods from online Diablo II when it first launched. Sometimes, it almost seems as...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...
Again? Still?

An all-Death Knight party downs the current apex of World of Warcraft raiding

So, what's the best group composition for endgame raiding in World of Warcraft? It looks like it's Death Knights. Just a bunch of Blood-spec...

Week in Review: WoW slips to 7.1M subs [May 10, 2015]

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! World...
Someone is excited, probably.

Heroes of the Storm prepares an arresting display of skins

Nobody is going to accuse Heroes of the Storm of being tasteful and restrained, especially after seeing its newest batch of character skins. Not...