
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

The best Massively OP community Daily Grinds of 2018

Assuming the archives are correct, the first Daily Grind ever was penned by Krystalle Voecks on November 3rd, 2007, a day after Old Massively...

World of Warcraft fan creates a greatly improved Wrathgate cinematic

While Blizzard is undeniably masterful in its creation and use of cinematic cutscenes to propel the plot of World of Warcraft today, back in...
A world of disappointments.

Activision Blizzard’s CFO is ousted and appears to be getting hired by Netflix

It's a new year, but we've still got some last vestiges of last year's corporate ongoings to close out the events of 2018. Isn't...

Massively OP’s 2018 Blooper Awards: Schlag meme of the year

Massively OP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards conclude today with our blooper award for Schlag meme of the year. This is one of my favorite awards of the year. As our our regulars surely know, Schlag Sweetleaf is our resident comment section Master of the Meme, who crafts everything from weird to gross to hilarious gifs for big stories. He's amazing. Giving him his own award every year is the least we can do!

One Shots: Dance like the moon is watching

As we digest all of those Christmas hams and cookies while replacing our bloodstream with eggnog, it's a good time of the year to...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: The zones that changed the most from Classic, Kalimdor edition

Yeah, so Kalimdor has changed a bit in World of Warcraft. I'm going to be honest and say that I've never actually liked Kalimdor very much...
Stop being a JERK.

Overwatch semi-pro finals will require chat participants to link their accounts

Gosh, it's really hard to get people to stop being screaming monsters on Twitch chat, huh? Blizzard has been dealing with this problem with...
Oh, right, you.

Vague Patch Notes: The complexity of classic preservation for MMOs

Here's a fun question to kick things off. Should old black-and-white films be colorized? The key word there is "old," because there are a...
oh noes a bitey scratchus

Blizzard’s corporate culture is becoming much more cost-focused with stronger Activision influence

Let's start with the good news here. According to the most recent article covering Blizzard's ongoing corporate culture shifts on Kotaku, the studio's shifts...
That is definitely a thing.

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO surprises of 2018

Everyone loves surprises, right? Not always. Even good surprises can be a disruption of our comfortable routines, and bad ones can downright ruin a...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 202: The all-mailbag show

Justin and Bree pore over the mail bag to answer questions on WoW, the state of MOP, future columns, favorite MMO music, MMO communities, lockbox RNG, MMO sunsets, open dungeons, and LitRPG.

The Daily Grind: What was the best new zone added to an MMO in 2018?

Thanks to MOP reader Agemyth's suggestion back in 2016, we've been debating the best new zone added to an MMO every year. Obviously, your answer...

One Shots: Christmas delivery

We all know that Amazon delivers pretty much everywhere with its crazy two-day shipping, but did you realize that the company could do so...
This was once controversial!

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v2.0

While The Game Archaeologist columns take up the most time of any project I do here at Massively OP, I absolutely love doing them...

The Daily Grind: Do you ever get pressured into playing a role you’d rather not in MMOs?

A post that we did earlier this year pointed me to a rather funny and catchy song called "No Mercy" by The Living Tombstone....

Blizzard details new HOTS cadence, shames toxic Overwatch pros, and pays over 100 Irish staff to leave

Despite the recent news from Blizzard that Heroes of the Storm's development cadence is being scaled back, with some of its developers being shifted...
Everybody dies.

WoW Factor: The great Superdata fall-off

The one down side to working ahead is that sometimes your schedule gets nudged around more than expected. I promise that a further look...
Now my stats are good!

There are no Blizzard games in the November 2018 SuperData games revenue ranking, not even WoW

I did a little double-take when I read SuperData's November 2018 games industry revenue ranking piece today, and not because the title and intro...

Vague Patch Notes: Understanding systems before you talk about them

Here's a fun question to consider. What were Emblems of Valor and Emblems of Heroism designed to do in World of Warcraft? Yes, they were...
Sparks will fly.

Blizzard rolls out Diablo III season, Hearthstone balance update, and WoW hotfixes as WoW players game for charity

There's been a lot going on at Blizzard lately: Diablo III has just begun its latest season, the Season of Grandeur, during which all...