
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

The Daily Grind: How should studios solve the gaming-while-rural problem?

If you've ever read any of MOP's Andrew's coverage of Pokemon Go, you've probably noticed a recurring theme: One of his biggest pet peeves...

The MOP Up: Speedrunning World of Warcraft (October 15, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Sea horsing around

When it comes to unusual ways for Massively OP readers to get around in MMORPGs, there seems to be no shortage of bizarre methods...
We continue on, in perpetuity, unaffected by time. When the world is cold and dead and the sun is naught but an ember, we shalle remain. And we will sell you card packs.

Hearthstone changes triggers to help make the game more intuitive

With hundreds of cards designed at this point, Hearthstone matches are awash in a sea of effects and triggers that activate under certain conditions....

Blizzard sues alleged Overwatch clone, bans World of Warcraft cheaters

Gone are the days when Chinese companies could get away with ripping off games left and right: Blizzard is going after another one of...
And sometimes, it's all about winning.

Massively Overthinking: Three-way RvR and ‘fair’ PvP in modern MMOs

MOP reader Sally Bowls is on a roll with the good questions lately! She lobbed us one this past weekend that seems a good...

SuperData: ‘The esports market has finally hit the mainstream’

In promotional materials associated with its new paid "Esports Scoreboard," gaming anaylsis firm SuperData - known best to our audience for its monthly revenue...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Why no one should recommend World of Warcraft ever

Last week, MOP's Justin (friend to man and beast alike) posted his list of MMOs he would recommend people play. It was a pretty...
Really studying the heck out of a skull.

World of Warcraft Demon Hunter solos normal Gul’dan

A Demon Hunter should be able to kill demons. That's their one job description, and so it should be no surprise that World of...

Daybreak is launching a pro league for H1Z1 e-sports

If you were wondering what Daybreak is up to as we have been, wonder no more: It's been putting together a pro league for...

Overwatch kicks off Halloween, hires for a new game possibly set in the Overwatch universe

Halloween - sorry, "Halloween Terror 2017" - is live for Overwatch players this week and runs through November. After all, come November 1st, spooky...
Not his boyfriend yet, though.

Junkrat is exploding into Heroes of the Storm

The parade of Overwatch characters porting straight over to Heroes of the Storm continues with the latest addition to the game, Junkrat. How does...
Things are going okay?

Hearthstone opens up registration for hosting Hallow’s End gatherings

Is there anything like celebrating Hallow's End by sitting around and playing Hearthstone? Not according to the developers behind the game, although they might...
Everyone comes to our house.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 139: Catching up with Legends of Aria

Justin and Bree are joined by Legends of Aria's Derek Brinkmann to chat about alpha; then they discuss Guild Wars 2's waypoint sales, SWTOR's merges, the WoW expansion, and Shroud of the Avatar's delay, with a mailbag question on lockbox gambling.

Here’s the in-game swag you’re getting with a BlizzCon virtual ticket (including WoW mounts!)

How many of you buy the BlizzCon virtual ticket as much for the in-game swag as for the actual streams? Even if not, you're...
Smug twit.

Yes, you can still use artifact appearances in future World of Warcraft expansions

The bankers in Stormwind have seen some stuff, man. You can just see them chilling on their lunch breaks talking about how the Ashbringer...
whoop, there it isn't

Diablo III prepares for the conclusion of Season 11

The latest season of Diablo III is about to come to an end, so you should either push to earn the last few reward...

The Game Archaeologist: Ultima Worlds Online Origin

While the heady days of Ultima Online's dominant position over the industry are long gone, the MMORPG continues to operate and expand, and many...
It also featured fewer Dwarven Shaman, simply because the WIldhammer just did their own things.

How one YouTuber navigates World of Warcraft burnout

Feeling a little singed and toasty after playing World of Warcraft so long? When you log into Legion these days, is it a case...
oh for the love of eff

World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas talks randomness and Legendaries

There's been another live community Q&A session with World of Warcraft director Ion Hazzikostas, and if you're in the "highly frustrated" crowd of fans,...