
Spun out of EA as one of the last remnants of Mythic Entertainment, Broadsword now runs Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.

Star Wars: The Old Republic development is moving from BioWare to Broadsword

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, BioWare poured an insane amount of money, developers, and voice talent into making Star...

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs offer great treasure hunting systems?

A post on Nomadic Gamers a few weeks back caught my eye because it was about treasure hunting in MMOs. Now listen, I don't...
See, that's the joke of the name.

Perfect Ten: 10 old MMO promises that never happened

Developers like to talk a big game. It's expected, it's encouraged by all parties, and it's part of the fun. When a game or...

Classic MMO Dark Age of Camelot keeps tanks from climbing all over the walls in its latest patch

A new patch is up on Dark Age of Camelot's Pendragon test realm, and this one may spell the end of some shenanigans by...

Perfect Ten: What FFA PvP has to offer the MMO space

Before any of you look at the title, the author, and then at your screen again in disbelief, let me disabuse you of any...

The Soapbox: MMO housing is so much more than a frivolous feature

When The Sims launched in 2000, what seemed like a dull and laughable concept on paper proved to be one of the most compelling...

Casually Classic: Eight legacy MMOs to satisfy that old school craving

It was just five years ago in 2018 that MassivelyOP formally recognized an interesting and heartening trend in the MMO space: the rise of...

Massively Overthinking: What should MMOs do when guild leaders vanish?

Last week, we covered that wild story about a "heist" in EVE Online that allowed the perpetrators to make off with trillions of ISK...

The Daily Grind: What are some demonstrably wrong things about old MMOs that people insist were true anyway?

A while back, there was a thread on the MMORPG subreddit arguing that "minmaxing an information abundance has ruined MMORPGs" and posited that devs...

Massively Overthinking: How to alienate your MMORPG playerbase

I am not a Pokemon Go player, but I can't help but stare at its many trainwrecks thanks to the detailed coverage of our...

Dark Age of Camelot’s killer bunny returns, Wurm Online hides Easter baskets for subscribers

When the words "Harbinger of Spring" are read, most people would be forgiven for thinking pleasant, colorful, and sunny things. Maybe a faun wearing...

Ultima Online’s Richard Vogel discusses the horrors of player behavior in an open PvP sandbox

Gaming historians have long documented that Ultima Online was something of a communal wild west when it created its open FFA PvP sandbox -...

The MOP Up: Open-world tactical RPG Wartales releases next month

Looking to wage medieval war in a different format? You'll soon get your chance with Wartales, an open-world tactical RPG that's fully luanching on...

Massively Overthinking: The times MMO developers admitted they were… wrong

Earlier in March, Jagex did the unthinkable for an MMORPG company: It admitted it was wrong about something. If you're used to the Blizzards...
I find the way.

Interview: The Wayfinder team on group size, customization, monetization, and more

Perhaps you're interested in Wayfinder because you like the idea of a small-group dungeon-running game published by Digital Extremes. (The studio made another game...

Lord of the Rings Online players are putting on a 30-person adaptation of Sondheim’s Into the Woods this weekend

One of my favorite memories in MMOs is participating in plays and musicals, something I first saw people doing in Ultima Online in 1997...

Bellatores sounds like a full-scale Korean PvP sandbox MMORPG, now aiming for 2024

A year ago, we covered a brand-new MMORPG from Korean dev Nyou called Bellatores, an Unreal Engine title revolving around big-scale progression, PvE, and...

Dark Age of Camelot brings back its speed-leveling event, Catch Up in Caledonia

The "it" MMO from 2001 is looking for a few good souls to put through its medieval meat grinder -- with a leg up,...

Massively Overthinking: How should MMOs handle in-game criming?

A week or so ago, I fell down a rabbit hole when writing up an ArcheAge post. Kakao was handing out joke titles for...

The Daily Grind: What’s the oldest MMO you tried super late in its lifetime?

Earlier this month, an MOP reader tweeted about trying Dark Age of Camelot for the first time in 2023 and falling in love, which...