
Watch One Piece Online get torn apart by an angry player

Not every online game can be a winner, but even losers have their purpose as comedy fodder for the tongue-in-cheek player. YouTube comedian TheHiveLeader took...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...
I don't know what's going on in this picture and I honestly don't wish to.

Salem isn’t dead! It’s launching June 17th

Salem might have slipped off of your radar over the past few years. It's a permadeath, open-PvP sandbox that fell into the perpetual beta trap....
Syrio Forel

The Daily Grind: Would you play a Game of Thrones MMO?

Did you watch Game of Thrones last night? I didn't. I'll get around to it eventually, though, I'm sure. How about a Game of...

Chaos Theory: Six tips for new Secret World players

Now that Blingzilla is no longer roaming the lands tempting everyone with goodies galore (or turning movement into a stroll through a mire of...

The Stream Team: EverQuest II-sday, EU edition

If you've missed out on grouping with the MassivelyOP Minions because of time zones, today is your lucky day! MJ is introducing a European...

The Stream Team: Hunting down a set of wheels in H1Z1

Thanks to H1Z1's big patch, MassivelyOP's MJ can finally play someone with hair -- albeit still a male -- and she's going to take...

The Stream Team: Two troublemakers take on The Elder Scrolls Online

Interesting things happen when MassivelyOP's MJ and Larry team up in The Elder Scrolls Online. Exploring the justice system was quite the experience last time,...

Ascent is MMO space simming done right

My favorite thing about Ascent: The Space Game is its planetary rotation. It's a small thing, granted, but the first time I sat still...

The Stream Team: Tag-teaming The Secret World’s Tokyo story missions

With The Secret World's Issue #11 release creeping ever closer, MassivelyOP's MJ has to finish up the story missions from Issues #9 and #10...
Prettier than this.

Codemasters CEO leaves company to join Jagex

There's a new boss in town at Jagex. Rod Cousens, previously the CEO of Codemasters, has moved shop to be the new CEO of...

The Stream Team: Gallivanting through Guild Wars 2

It's no joke! MassivelyOP's MJ is indeed returning to Guild Wars 2 to prowl the land and take in some new sights. As beautiful...

The Stream Team: Dungeon diving in EverQuest II’s early zones

There's never a shortage of things to do in EverQuest II, and -- better yet -- you don't have to be high level to...

The Stream Team: Swimming with the dolphins in ArcheAge

You've read about the brouhaha over the pink porpoise in ArcheAge, but have you seen the mammal in action? MassivelyOP's MJ was the recipient...

The Stream Team: Give me exploration or give me death in The Repopulation

Last time Massively OP's MJ tried to explore in The Repopulation, she gave the cloning facility a good workout. Today she'll boldly go where...

The Stream Team: Trekking through Skyforge’s closed beta

Whenever there is a beta, MassivelyOP's MJ looks forward to showing you what's new in the MMOverse. Luckily, with Skyforge she doesn't have to...

The Stream Team: Exploring the swamps of Factions: Origins of Malu with devs

Early Access of Origins of Malu has begun, which means players can now get in and check out the battlegrounds while wandering through some...

The Stream Team: I am Groot, kind of

March's Choose My Adventure Sampler Platter Edition continues tonight with a little bit of Marvel Heroes 2015. Join Massively OP's Mike Foster as he...

Browser kingdom sim Illyriad celebrates its fifth anniversary

Not a lot of browser-based MMOs make it to their half-decade mark, which is why it's impressive to see the scrappy kingdom sim Illyriad...