
See: CCP Games

Global Chat: World of Warcraft’s wild frontier

How is World of Warcraft like the wild west of American history and legend? Something about Barrens chat might come to mind, but blog...

EVE Evolved: The strategy and narrative of EVE’s revenge war

At the start of this month, we reported on a massive new war that was kicking off in the north of EVE Online. The...

Massively Overthinking: Alone together vs. forced grouping in MMORPGs

I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that everyone has at some point seen the xkcd called Isolation, but if not, there...

EVE: Valkyrie allows players to ditch the VR headset

This is just your weekly reminder from CCP that EVE: Valkyrie wasn't a figment of your imagination, it still exists, and please for the...
hey, you guys wanna have a fight

EVE Online pushes back its August patch until August 16

There was supposed to be an EVE Online patch here. It's not here now, though; instead, it's being pushed back by a day until...

EVE Online revenge war update: The war machine stalls

Last week we brought you the news of a massive new war brewing in the north of EVE Online, and The Imperium's threat of revenge...

The PAX West City of Heroes and Ashes of Creation panels are a go

A few weeks back, we reported on the City of Heroes-themed panel coming to PAX West in Seattle at the beginning of September. With the...

DC Universe Online lays out future plans, teases skill point respec UI

Look up there, in the sky! Is it a producer's letter for DC Universe Online? Is it a state of the game post? Nay,...

EVE Evolved: A massive war for revenge is brewing in EVE Online

Just over a year ago, the largest PvP conflict in gaming history kicked off in EVE Online as war erupted between the game's most prominent...

EVE Online engineers a patch full of quality-of-life improvements

Maybe it's a sign of age or maturity as a video gamer when you start to rejoice over less flashy "quality of life" patches....

EVE Online is making guided void bombs weaker in its structure revamp

It's not as much fun to attack a structure in EVE Online when there's only one way to do it correctly. That's one of...

Dean Hall’s Stationeers don’t want no scrubs

DayZ's Dean Hall says his new sci-fi survivalbox Stationeers is launching early access in September, and he isn't sugarcoating the game's difficulty. You might remember...

Global Chat: Dipping into Albion Online

Now that Albion Online has officially launched, what's the verdict? It's a little hard to get a feel for that, since I haven't seen...

MMO researcher Nick Yee is ‘dispeling myths about female gamers’

Quantic Foundry researcher and long-time MMO academic Nick Yee has an intriguing blog post out this week titled Dispelling Myths about Female Gamers in...

The MOP Up: Skyforge investigates the Cradle of the World (July 30, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Hades’ Star puts a 4X MMO into your pocket

When it comes to mobile MMOs, it really is best if games are designed from the ground-up to function on these devices instead of...

CCP’s VR sports game Sparc launches August 29

First announced back in February, CCP's multiplayer VR sports sim Sparc was all set for a summer launch as of E3, and now the date...
The world needs heroes willing to put up with SO MUCH crap.

The Soapbox: Getting to the heart of toxicity in MMOs

So we've gotten another post from a developer saying that they're going to really 100% be better about rooting out toxic players from their...
science, together, fun

EVE Online delivers ‘sneak preview’ of winter release

Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the walls of EVE Online's offices, buzzing to and fro and learning all about what the...

EVE Evolved: The Agency could become a great daily reward system in EVE Online

A new event named The Agency kicked off this week in EVE Online, and it looks a bit like the daily quest systems you...