
they don't know i can't kill a basic boss

The Daily Grind: What challenge in an MMORPG resulted in your most shameful string of deaths?

Hello, my name is Eliot, and back when City of Heroes launched the character I made at launch 20 years ago could not kill...
But... but we even got cold again for you.

The Daily Grind: What’s the idea challenge level for you for endgame content in an MMO?

Today's question is not about whether or not your MMO of choice delivers the endgame challenge level that you're looking for; rather, it's about...
This is really what you're going with, huh.

The Daily Grind: Is personal challenge or group challenge more important to you in an MMO?

In any kind of MMO, there are a lot of different challenges to endure. They do, however, tend to split a fair bit between personal...
The core here is so hard.

The Daily Grind: What’s a hardcore MMO to you?

Sometimes we have ads that get me thinking. Case in point, the most recent ad on our site for the upcoming Lineage 2 classic...
Choo choo, mothertrucker.

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs offer open-world challenge modes?

This question is not about World of Warcraft's upcoming PvP mode switch. Don't get me wrong, that's a cool option; you either explore the...
whoop, there it isn't

Diablo III prepares for the conclusion of Season 11

The latest season of Diablo III is about to come to an end, so you should either push to earn the last few reward...

EverQuest II’s The Menagerie launches, free level 100 boosts bestowed

If you've wanted to get back into EverQuest II but felt overwhelmed by how far behind the curve you'd be, it's your lucky fortnight! Now...
Same as it ever was.

Diablo III is ending Season 9 on March 17

Have you done everything you wanted to do in Diablo III's Season 9 challenge? If not, the good news is that you still have...

Path of Exile shows off the many, many challenges of the Legacy Challenge League

When Path of Exile patch 2.6 launches, you're going to have some challenges to overcome. The Legacy Challenge League boasts 40 different challenges for...

Chaos Theory: Is it possible to complete The Secret World’s Doomboard challenge? Maybe

When The Secret World’s devs teased the Doomboard, I was pretty excited. I was totally on board for getting that sweet ride even though...

Snag a Hell hoverboard in The Secret World’s challenge event

Forget about going to Hell in a handbasket, you could go in style on The Secret World's new flaming hoverboard! Next Wednesday's patch introduces...

EVE Evolved: What went wrong with the Shadow of the Serpent event?

Last week's EVE Online patch added the massive Shadow of the Serpent event, a game-wide storyline arc that pits players against the Serpentis and Angel...

Diablo III shows off the rewards for the newly arrived Season 6

It's time to get up and start earning rewards for Diablo III's Season 6! "Now now," you whine. "I have to go to work...

Heroes of Newerth launches Dragon Wars community event

Classic MOBA Heroes of Newerth released the massive new Dragon Wars community event today, launching a series of community-wide achievements and challenges with rewards for the...

Nexus Telegraph: Rethinking WildStar’s challenges

Back when WildStar first launched, there was a rapid evolution of the general community opinion over challenges. Initially there was excitement over these on-the-spot...

Diablo III previews upcoming Season 3 rewards

Diablo III players who want to take part in a brand-new season of play don't have much longer to wait. The third season starts...