
Blizzard ordered to pay costs in stymied lawsuit against gold seller

It's not always a foregone conclusion that Blizzard will emerge triumphant from its many court cases. Recently, it chalked one up in the "loss"...

Nexon revenues rise in early 2015

After reading through Nexon's financial report for Q1 2015, one can imagine the company skipping along while whistling a merry tune. Yes, it's generally...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds Grand Finals today

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event draws to a close this weekend with the Grand Finals best-of-five finale in San Francisco's Warfield Theater. China's Invictus...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds America regionals… now

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event has been winding its away across the world with only one regional champ left to be decided: the...

Not So Massively: Star Wars Battlefront is revealed; GTA 5 beats Skyrim

It's been a big week for competitive play in MOBAs. League of Legends opened the registration on its European Battlegrounds tournament and lifted the...

EVE Evolved: How many subscriptions does EVE have?

Two weeks ago, a mathemagician over at The Nosy Gamer published some interesting calculations showing that EVE Online's subscriptions may have dropped by around...

Perfect World is bringing HEX to China

HEX: Shards of Fate may just have hit a jackpot when it sorely needed it. MMO Culture is reporting that the trading card MMO...
Top gear indeed.

Allods Online is shutting down in China

So long, Allods Online; you will be remembered. The Russian-made fantasy MMO is shutting down... in China. The English servers are still just fine....