Aion Classic brings back Class Changes for a limited time

Ch-ch-ch-chyou know the joke

Aion Classic EU has been busy with a roadmap, so what’s Aion Classic NA up to? Changing your class and your destiny, apparently.

Now, there are things that are easier and harder to change in Aion, whether you’re talking about the Classic version or the more modern version. Changing where you’re standing? That’s really easy. Changing your character’s name so that it’s no longer JasonRulez? More difficult. (Also a baffling name choice anyway, since your name isn’t Jason.) But changing your class? Well, that is possible in Aion Classic until January 28th, as Class Changes have returned to the game for a limited time.

Choosing to change your class will allow you to not just change your class but get all of your gear ported over to the new class, simple as. But you should be aware that you only get to change your class twice during the event, so you should be prepared and make some decisions about that change before pulling the trigger, so to speak. Still, that’s two chances to change something that is normally rather permanent, so that’s all right.

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