closed alpha

Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 25, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, a couple of high profile projects met stretch goals. Crowfall will be hiring a dedicated graphics programmer, while...
Depr derp smash lul

Betawatch: April 24th, 2015

Rather than languishing in beta for all eternity, Heroes of the Storm is launching on June 2nd! Sure, there will be no further wipes...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 18, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we learned about the new Powerplay update coming to Elite: Dangerous that promises to revamp the space sim's...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 11, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we said goodbye to Descent Underground's fundraising campaign. It was a fond farewell, though, since the sci-fi space shooter reboot topped...
All the things.

Betawatch: April 10th, 2015

Would you like to talk about Black Desert? Stuff's happening with the game. You can learn how to hunt whales, white or otherwise, and...

Sci-fi shooter Project Genom begins alpha testing

Why can't intergalactic colonization ever go smoothly? There always seems to be at least one continent-shattering war that has to happen before the first...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: April 4, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, we said goodbye (apparently) to Greed Monger. We also said hello to Pathfinder's early access head start and,...
No word on whether or not you can also sketch a bunch of stuff in your spiral-bound notebook after playing.

Betawatch: April 3, 2015

Good news, ladies and gentlemen looking forward to Ghost in the Shell Online. Not only is the game nearing its first Korean closed beta...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: March 28, 2015

This week's crowdfunding news was all about Crowfall. Seriously, we must've written about Crowfall like 76 times or something. In the end, the most relevant...
If people had been this enthusiastic the first time around... nah, never mind. Too much speculation.

Betawatch: March 27, 2015

If you had told me that one of the big bits of news this week would be the release of Dungeon Fighter Online into...

Eternal Crusade kills early game modules to focus on founder’s access

Changes have been afoot over at Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade, and new Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson posted a second State of the Crusade post...