
See: City of Heroes

City of Heroes’ Paragon Chat is getting its own player-run Halloween contests, missions, and music

Just because City of Heroes is gone doesn't mean that you can't have Halloween events for the game. It sort of does remove most...
I'm definitely an elf!

Perfect Ten: Why no one should recommend World of Warcraft ever

Last week, MOP's Justin (friend to man and beast alike) posted his list of MMOs he would recommend people play. It was a pretty...
We never like these things.

But seriously, lockboxes suck, even if the ESRB doesn’t think they’re gambling. Stop buying lockboxes.

So, MMO players. Are you tired of hearing about lockboxes and gambleboxes? It feels like we've been complaining about them for like six or...

Ship of Heroes has finished up its first character creator alpha – here’s what you built

Quietly zipping along this fall is City of Heroes spiritual successor Ship of Heroes, which has been running a small external alpha test with...

Massively Overthinking: Epic Tavern-style player-generated content in MMORPGs

Ever played Epic Tavern? Massively OP reader Uli though it would make an interesting point of comparison for MMO content. "Epic Tavern is a...

Valiance Online confirms sidekicking, talks visual effects upgrades

One of City of Heroes' best features is going to be making a reappearance in its spiritual successor. Valiance Online confirmed to Massively OP...

Leaderboard: Which of the City of Heroes spiritual successors are you looking forward to?

A few years ago, we counted basically three City of Heroes successor games, all made by indie studios. In 2017, we still have three...

Master X Master gives love to Statesman, hate to Ghost Widow

It has been a couple of weeks since the previous Master X Master update, and while yesterday's patch doesn't deliver much in terms of...

The Daily Grind: Which two MMOs should totally hook up?

Yeah, we're shipping MMOs today, giving new meaning to the Daily Grind! MOP reader Leiloni recently pointed us to an old but still relevant...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?

I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...

Perfect Ten: The 10 tiers of MMORPG lore

In which we discuss varying levels of MMO lore effort and Eliot admits he doesn't remember the names of Pac-Man's ghosties.

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMOs of 2017’s PAX West

PAX West 2017 has come and gone, and though MJ is still feverishly working on her last few articles, we wanted to pause a...

City of Titans plans 2017 pre-alpha, crowdfund to ‘take things to the next level’

City of Titans studio Missing Worlds Media has just posted a recap of its presentation at last week's PAX West and a status update...

PAX West 2017: Ship of Heroes on exploration, community, and recapturing the magic of City of Heroes

Sometimes MMORPG players might get the feeling that game companies will let just about anything slide in order to keep the most revenue streaming...
Just barely avoided this fate.

Perfect Ten: The 10 saddest MMORPG stories

Every MMO tells a story through the run of its life. A lot of those stories are pretty happy, too. Ultima Online may not...

Ship of Heroes takes you on a tour of a short instance

Time to get your eerie City of Heroes vibe on with Ship of Heroes' latest video. If you still have regular flashbacks of fighting...
Into the unknown.

Perfect Ten: MMOs obsessed with the floating islands trope

One of the fun things about this hobby is that certain tropes repeat themselves constantly. And they're usually weirdly specific tropes, too. Poop quests,...

The PAX West City of Heroes and Ashes of Creation panels are a go

A few weeks back, we reported on the City of Heroes-themed panel coming to PAX West in Seattle at the beginning of September. With the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for gamers who are sick of raiding?

In the middle of the conversation spawned by yesterday's financial news that Guild Wars 2 had seen its worst revenue quarter since launch, several...
Ladies, please.

Choose My Adventure: Get out of here, DC Universe Online

So this is an unusual situation for me: I've never actually played a game for Choose My Adventure that I've disliked this much. Those of...