
Choose My Adventure: A quick spot of building and crafting in Trove

I have to admit, this one didn't take long at all to get through. I sort of assumed that building things in Trove was...

LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s Rhovanion zones from worst to best

A while back, I amused myself by ranking all of the Eriador zones in Lord of the Rings Online. It was a fun exercise...

The Daily Grind: Do you have a ‘white whale’ in MMOs?

And no, I don't mean whale in the sense of MMO players who spend way too much money on games. I mean in the...

Fight or Kite: How Guild Wars 2’s Harbinger, Willbender, and Virtuoso stack up in PvP

Guild Wars 2 has always been my go-to home for MMOs. There’s just so much the studio did right when designing the game. But...
Sing a song of madness.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s cash shop and the existential horror of monetization

The fact that there's a cash shop in Final Fantasy XIV is something that is absolutely impossible to discuss in a value-neutral fashion. Simply...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the most fun when you’re losing?

The other day my guildies were chatting about their favorite shooters, and one of them pointed out that he'd rather play a quick pick-up...
Back then.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you played with the worst voice acting?

There was a particular line from the male Norn back in the beta for Guild Wars 2 that made me laugh much more than...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why Lord of the Rings Online is worth playing in 2021

It has come to my attention that there are more MMO nomads than normal this summer who are casting about for a new game...

The Daily Grind: List your favorite expansion to every MMO you’ve played

Lists -- we're doing one today. And it has the potential to be a really fun one! The challenge is fairly simple: Make a list...

Perfect Ten: My top 10 MMO pet peeves

In general, I try to be an optimistic fellow. When it comes to MMO gaming -- you know, that hobby we apparently love and...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about taxes in MMORPGs?

Today I want to talk about everyone's least favorite thing: taxes. I snagged the idea from a Reddit thread a while back that was...
Toss me a cure, will you?

Wisdom of Nym: What will Final Fantasy XIV add to its healers in Endwalker?

Here's an interesting facet to consider: Unlike most of the other entries in this Wisdom of Nym series about Endwalker speculation, this one isn't...

Pokemon Go’s New Zealand rollbacks show Niantic is more concerned with local law than actual safety

Good news: New Zealanders have had their Pokemon Go PokeStop and Gym radius restored to 80 meters, exactly what the community has been asking...
And again.

The Daily Grind: What MMO delay has annoyed you the most?

Sometimes things get delayed. It happens. It's generally not a desired outcome by any of the people making an MMO, but you just need...

Pokemon Unite gets mobile release date, Sword and Shield to remain competitive center

Today's Pokemon Presents wasn't the most exciting for fans of multiplayer online gaming, but there were a few kernels of information for us nonetheless....

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s new Harbinger, Virtuoso, and Willbender elite specs

One of the most anticipated features of any Guild Wars 2 expansion is unquestionably the addition of new elite specializations. We got our first...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst when it comes to invisible walls?

Woo boy. If you want to get my dander up out of nowhere when I'm playing your MMO, then just toss in an invisible...

Choose My Adventure: Back to the basic joys of dungeon running in Trove

This is way more like it. The bare bones, basic, simple delight of Trove continues to be running around the open world, heading to whatever...

The Daily Grind: Is the MMO industry a zero-sum game?

A while back I spied a thread on the MMORPG subreddit that was lamenting the fact that Final Fantasy XIV has been blowing up....
This went over great.

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s burning of Teldrassil plot wrap-up is terrible

Fair warning: This post contains spoilers for the current World of Warcraft plotline for anyone who has not finished up the latest parts of...