
Massively Uplifting: From weddings to memorials, gamers celebrate life in AQ3D, GW2, BDO, LOTRO, WoW, and more

It's an alphabet soup of good (MMO) vibes this month! While many may have returned to the school of hard knocks this fall, plenty...
There is actually quite a lot of this.

Wisdom of Nym: The space remaining in Final Fantasy XIV

If we get more than two more expansions in Final Fantasy XIV, we're going to be moving into some interesting territory: Players are at level...

Fight or Kite: Impressions of Ashes of Creation Apocalypse, a solid fantasy battle royale nobody is playing

A mere fortnight ago, the team behind Ashes of Creation took its MMO combat testing ground known as Apocalypse and opened the doors on...
Can't get there from here.

The Daily Grind: What’s the most awesome MMORTS title out there?

Do you ever have one of those moments where somebody asks you something that's just ever so slightly adjacent to your field of work...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Jukebox Heroes: Exploring EverQuest’s official soundtrack

It is fairly rare for an MMORPG to sell an official soundtrack these days unless the game is fairly prominent (i.e., Final Fantasy XIV...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever mentored a new player in an older MMO?

It was a few years back when my wife decided to give Final Fantasy XI another shot and finally found it really clicking for her....
We all began with good intents.

Ask Mo: Second chances, hate wagons, and the MMORPG grudge game

Today's Ask Mo is not really about comment moderation, but it's where I want to start. Over the years of trying to cat-herd Massively OP's...

The Daily Grind: What MMO do you wish could live forever?

You all know that I love my hypotheticals by now, so here's another one for our daily discussion period. Imagine that you have the...
I circle the waterfront, I'm watching the sea.

WoW (Classic) Factor: The journal of Nieve Vinther – fourth entry

The night after my last entry, Ceilidh took me out to the shores of Loch Modan. It wasn't for an occasion or anything; we...

Lawful Neutral: Endorsements, disclosures, and the games industry

Infomercials are the worst. There's nothing quite as infuriating as turning on the TV only to find a 30-minute commercial about how people can't...

The Daily Grind: How do you deal with multi-timezone MMO guilds?

There was a neat thread on the MMORPG subreddit a few weeks back about how to organize MMO guilds across multiple timezones. If you...

Vague Patch Notes: Copies, blatant copies, and plagiarism in MMOs

So... this was honestly not the story that I had expected to have wound up coming out of Eternal Magic. I'd been expecting that "beauty...

Into the Super-verse: Why Ship of Heroes’ character customization tool is so important

What kind of hero are you going to be today? In most MMOs, that question and its possible answers are watered down and homogenized, but...
Stop boring everybody.

The Daily Grind: What would get you to try out a battle royale title?

Battle royale games are both the newest flash-in-the-pan and one of the oldest genres out there; it's not exactly a new idea to put...

Perfect Ten: Solo prequel games to MMORPGs

When studios go about making MMORPGs, risk comes along with the effect as a matter of course. The only question is how to reduce...
we's friemds

The Daily Grind: What role do you like playing in a regular MMO group?

If you can work around the complexities of multiple people's schedules, there's a delight to be found in scheduling a regular group night every...

Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Frontiers and the mindless catharsis of ARPG gaming

Sometimes, you’ve just got to run around and blow up hordes of enemies with big flashy skills and hoover in the goodies. You have...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Does Guild Wars 2 release more paid outfits than armor skins?

I’ve noticed a common complaint bouncing around the Guild Wars 2 community, one that I believe to be a myth. Today, I’d like to...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs do you keep installed long-term, even when you’re not playing them?

I tend to be the kind of person who keeps MMOs and other video games installed a long time, especially if I've gone to...

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on Final Fantasy XIV’s new relic weapons

So how, exactly, are we making this thing this time? That's what I want to know. It's not exactly a secret that Final Fantasy XIV's initial...