crimson desert


Betawatch: New World will return to testing and a launch after all

I freely admit that I thought we had already heard the last we would ever hear about New World and that it had been banished...

Pearl Abyss drops new Crimson Desert screenshots and design notes

So, other than MOP's Carlo (who's absolutely losing his mind over the game), who's hyped for Pearl Abyss' Crimson Desert? Because the Korean mega-studio...

Crimson Desert’s lead producer talks about PvE, co-op campaigns, and trade

Our own Black Desert columnist and many of our readers have pondered aloud just what awaits players in Crimson Desert, one of several newly...

Desert Oasis: Getting hyped for Pearl Abyss’ Crimson Desert

Curbing my enthusiasm is something I constantly work on, so when the announcement for Crimson Desert made its rounds, I was both excited and...

G-Star 2019: Pearl Abyss fully reveals Crimson Desert, Plan 8, Shadow Arena, and DokeV

Late last night, Pearl Abyss took the stage at Pearl Abyss Connect ahead of G-Star to officially unveil a staggering four new online games...

Crimson Oasis: Speculation on Crimson Desert, Pearl Abyss’ new MMORPG

Lasst week, we reported on what looks like Pearl Abyss' power move to overtake the MMO market. With three MMOs and a Shadow Arena...

Pearl Abyss announces three new MMOs: Crimson Desert, Plan 8, and DokeV

Well, it may have been a little bit spoilered by leaks around the internet, but it's official now: Pearl Abyss has just formally announced...