daybreak games

See: Daybreak Game Company

DC Universe Online gets lucky with its St. Patrick’s Day event

The impish and mischevious Mister Mxyzptlk is up to no good in DC Universe Online. The pint-sized villain is wreaking havok during this week's...
Not happening.

Saga of Lucimia argues GM events should be mandatory in MMOs, not an ‘optional service’

A few months ago, we ran a Leaderboard poll asking players what kind of live studio-led events they want out of MMORPGs. By way...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has most improved its UI over the years?

In an earlier Daily Grind on peripherals, I mentioned how I used to fold up a piece of paper into a triangular prism, write...

Massively Overthinking: Is battle royale a fad?

This week in Massively Overthinking, I want to talk about something out on the fringes of our genre: battle royale games. We've been watching...

EverQuesting: Take a swig of EverQuest II’s Brewday festival with this guide

A festival dedicated to getting sloshed? No, this isn't college life -- it's EverQuest II's Brewday! Every year near St. Patrick's Day, a celebration...
Just us.

DC Universe Online’s GU80 is a big boon for hoarders

The grandly named but modestly sized Game Update 80 has rolled out for DC Universe Online players this week. Daybreak says it's tweaked inventory...

H1Z1 is finally going free-to-play

Remember way back in the long, long ago, before H1Z1 hit early access, split, reconstituted, renamed, didn't launch, aborted a console port, and all...

EverQuest II toasts a new Brewday and moves its Fallen Gate server forward

What does the color green, beer, and garish carousels have in common? EverQuest II's Brewday, of course! It must be from one of those Elf...

The Stream Team: Raise a few during EverQuest II’s Brewday

Whether you want to raise a toast or drown your virtual sorrows, EverQuest II's Brewday festival is the place to do it. The annual...

Global Chat: Elder Scrolls Online’s disguised gameplay

It seems as though some players' attention has shifted back to Elder Scrolls Online this spring, especially with the recent Dragon Bones DLC drop. Telwyn...
Build down.

PlanetSide 2 solicits player input regarding the construction system

Do you play PlanetSide 2? Do you have opinions about the game's construction system? Then you'll probably want to let your opinions be known...

Raph Koster on the ESA’s DMCA battle: ‘Preservation matters’

Remember last week when we covered how the Entertainment Software Association is fighting a proposal to amend the DMCA that would help preserve online...

H1Z1 has launched after three years of early access with a ‘massive’ patch

If you bought the rumors and teases last week that H1Z1, the artist formerly known as King of the Kill, was about to launch,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 159: Panda punching

Justin and Bree discuss all the new stuff coming in March, plus news from TERA, RIFT Prime, H1Z1, Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, and secret projects, with mailbag questions on the fast pace of the site and MMO terminology.

The Daily Grind: Given H1Z1’s plight, are you worried about Daybreak?

Last week, it became clear that H1Z1 has forfeited a ton of ground in the battle over battle royale games as it's lost 90%...

The Game Archaeologist: EverQuest Mac

In 2003, Sony Online Entertainment tried an experiment to reach out to the (then) small-but-growing community of Mac users. The company released EverQuest Macintosh...

Rumor: H1Z1 may finally be launching; the ‘royalty showdown’ begins today

Yesterday, in our report on H1Z1's plummeting player numbers since the onslaught from PUBG and Fortnite, we mentioned that the game's launch, once planned...
Look in my eyes, what do you see? Creative bankruptcy.

Daybreak’s zombie battle royale game H1Z1 has lost 90% of its playerbase since July

Polygon has a report out this afternoon sourcing data aggregator GitHyp, both of which are casting doubt on H1Z1's future viability as a game...

One Shots: First steps into a wider world

Every MMORPG player knows that there is something incredible and magical in the feeling that you get when you take your very first steps...

Whatever happened to Pirates of the Burning Sea, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, and Puzzle Pirates?

Ever pause during your day and find yourself wondering, “Whatever happened to that game?” With hundreds upon hundreds of online titles these days, it’s surprisingly easy...