ddos attack

ARK Survival Ascended wrestles with repeated DDoS attacks and console-specific crashes

Over the past three weeks, players trying to get in to ARK: Survival Ascended have been having a lot of trouble, and we all...

Fractured Online becomes the victim of its very first DDoS attack

If you were experiencing some more server weirdness while playing Fractured Online yesterday, it wasn't just you nor was it another moment of the...

Destiny 2 wrestles with overpowered crafted weapons and DDoS attacks

The Guardians of Destiny 2 are generally written as powerful space wizards who wield magical abilities and unique firearms to take down galactic threats,...

Albion Online faces DDoS attacks presumably over a recent anti-botting update

It looks like Albion Online is being targeted by some angry digital racketeers if word from Sandbox Interactive is to be believed. Over the...

Aion Classic EU blames ‘criminal entities with malicious intentions’ for its ongoing DDoS attacks

The EU version of Aion Classic is continuing to face DDoS attacks that started disrupting the game earlier this week, which has prompted Gameforge...

Trion deals with DDOS attacks while ArcheAge dives into its Maelstrom update

Trion Worlds is reporting "intermittent" attacks on its Dallas hub over the last day that are causing connectivity issues for some of its online...
The joke here is that the dungeons for this game were miserable slogs.

WildStar, Blade and Soul, Aion, and Lineage II come under DDoS attacks

Hackers launched an offensive against NCsoft yesterday, targeting several of the company's MMORPGs in a series of DDoS attacks. WildStar, Aion, Lineage II, and...
Just whenever you get around to us, it's cool.

World of Warcraft weathers an assault from the DDoS legion

Last night was not a fun time to be playing World of Warcraft. Various game servers started going offline, and while the initial statement...

Trion Worlds weathers DDoS assault

If you've been having a hard time logging into one of Trion Worlds' games today, you can thank DDoS instigators for that. On both the...