dead frontier 2


Betawatch: Naïca begins its bepixeled open beta

What? Yes, I'm well aware that "bepixeled" isn't actually a word, as well as the fact that the whole "pixel graphics" thing is just...

Zombie MMO Dead Frontier 2 swells and grows after its early access launch

Ever since it morphed into an open world MMO earlier this year, Dead Frontier 2 had our attention as a developing title. But how...

Zombie horror MMO Dead Frontier 2 morphs into a fully open world title

This game continues to surprise us. Back in September of 2018, we were alerted to the existence of Dead Frontier 2, a free-to-play survival...
It couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of of theoretical games.

Betawatch: Star Citizen wants you to mine rocks and buy another concept ship

What do you know, there's another concept ship for sale over in Star Citizen. And it's relentlessly specialized in one specific field, making it...

Zombie MMO Dead Frontier 2 is in early access to scratch the H1Z1 Just Survive itch

I'm not quite sure how we missed Dead Frontier 2, but there it is on Steam, happily calling itself an MMO and an MMORPG...