
Battlefield 2042 confirms Season 7 is the shooter’s last as development focus shifts to the next title

We certainly hope that players of Battlefield 2042 are enjoying last month's Season 7 launch because it's going to be the last: Dice has...

Studios working on Battlefield would like players to stop harassing its developers, please and thanks

The gaming community can often be described as "passionate" primarily because "frothingly and needlessly acidic about things that ultimately do not matter" is too...

Ex-DICE alumni have formed a new studio focused on making a co-op online RPG built for small populations

After years working on the Star Wars Battlefront and Battlefied games, a small team headed by former DICE directors and featuring several ex-DICE employees...

Battlefield 2042 plans limited-time free-to-play periods in December and talks up its next two seasons

Earlier this week we had worried aloud that Battlefield 2042 might not make it to a third season owing to the fact that fans...

Six year-old Battlefield 1 sees a surge of players after Battlefield 2042 flops and work starts on next game

We've noted before that Battlefield 2042 has not been in the best shape. The shooter launched last year and almost immediately struggled to gain...

Battlefield 2042 boss promises a singular focus on supporting and updating the shooter

With Season One's delayed launch and reports of a "skeleton crew" working on Battlefield 2042 still likely ringing in developer DICE's ears, studio general...

Battlefield 2042 talks up plans to tackle performance issues, weapon spread, and XP farming

Last Friday saw Battlefield 2042 make its worldwide release and developer Dice is not about to sit back and let the game go without...

Battlefield 2042 has rolled into early access for preorders and subbers

Shooter fans have a fun weekend ahead of them with the launch of Battlefield 2042 into early access as of today - at least...

Not So Massively: Checking the pulse of Star Wars Battlefront II

As I am someone who is at best lukewarm to the Star Wars franchise, nearly as ambivalent toward shooters, and almost entirely uninterested in...

E3 2017: Hands-on with Star Wars Battlefront 2

Electronic Arts' pre-E3 event, EA Play, this past weekend afforded us not only the chance to scope out the details of what's new with Star...

MMO Burnout: Five ways to fix Star Wars Battlefront

I'll probably take some flak for saying so, but I'm still enjoying Star Wars: Battlefront. It's not a broken game as much as it's...

Not So Massively: All the online gaming news from E3 2015

It's been a big week for online gaming, with several high-profile reveals and announcements made at E3 2015. The latest version of MOBA-esque space...

Not So Massively: Star Wars Battlefront is revealed; GTA 5 beats Skyrim

It's been a big week for competitive play in MOBAs. League of Legends opened the registration on its European Battlegrounds tournament and lifted the...