
The Daily Grind: What’s the goofiest currency in all of MMO land?

So then, MMOs and online games. We've got gems, crystals, shards, marks, tickets, tomes, lumps, keys, tokens, commendations, shells, scraps, favors, coins, orders, fragments,...
It's a playground.

The Daily Grind: What online game template will be the next to take off?

Like many of you, I remember the rise of MMOs when it was actually happening. I remember when shooters were king too. And I...

The Daily Grind: What MMO seasonal event is most in need of an update?

We have started the prime Halloween season, as it is now October. Needless to say, this means Halloween events aplenty, as is good and...

The Daily Grind: What MMO plans do you have for the fall?

With the snap of fall and change of the leaves, the season has taken a change as we go into the last four months...
I'm supposed to what?

The Daily Grind: Are MMOs too optimistic?

I don't mean optimistic in terms of their existential nature, as to whether they have a future, that sort of thing. I mean in...

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of video content for MMO information?

Just yesterday, I noticed that Crowfall had another video Q&A out. (By which I mean it crossed our metaphorical desks as news, of course.)...

The Daily Grind: What MMO did you vow to never return to… but then you did?

Don't be bashful about it. We have all been there. We have all made grand pronouncements of being done with an MMORPG, of rage-quitting...

The Daily Grind: What abandoned content in your favortite MMO do you want to see return?

I miss Guild Wars 2's dungeons. I was trawling Reddit the other day when I saw someone raise a half-hearted complaint about the fact that...
Of course, you can argue that the lack of BfA is actually a positive.

The Daily Grind: Do you skip periods of MMOs you play?

I've seen the argument put forth several times over the past month or so about World of Warcraft players just... skipping the current expansion....

The Daily Grind: What do you want out of an MMO guild?

We all come to guilds in different ways. Sometimes we seek them out specifically, sometimes we go through a rigorous application process, and sometimes...

The Daily Grind: What race or species have you never seen in an MMORPG?

A week or so ago, Justin penned a popular Daily Grind about the non-humanoid races/species that always seem to be relegated to "minority status"...
We represent the short-term planning guild!

The Daily Grind: Are you excited with the World of Warcraft Classic playable demo announcement?

There's a lot of interesting stuff to unpack about the World of Warcraft Classic announcement from yesterday. It's been a project that we haven't...
Someone thinks this is super neat!

The Daily Grind: Do you have an MMO gaming schedule?

When it comes to trying to figure out how to juggle multiple MMORPGs, I've experimented with many approaches. I've gone with the "whatever I...

The Daily Grind: What if World of Warcraft had never happened?

Yesterday, in the comments of our Daily Grind about nice things we can say about games we don't like, MOP commenter Squid posted a...
Sort of?

The Daily Grind: What’s the nicest thing you can say about an MMORPG you dislike?

I blame my colleagues in the writers room for this topic: We happened to be discussing the tragic comedy of Warhammer Online's awful crafting...
The core here is so hard.

The Daily Grind: What’s a hardcore MMO to you?

Sometimes we have ads that get me thinking. Case in point, the most recent ad on our site for the upcoming Lineage 2 classic...

The Daily Grind: Are MMO monster character races doomed to forever minority status?

I almost fell for it again. The other night I was logging back into Elder Scrolls Online after a very long absence and decided to...

The Daily Grind: How do you pick your MMO character names?

Embarrassing confession time: I was a teenager when I first started playing MMOs, and my first characters were all named after Wheel of Time...

The Daily Grind: How fast do you consume patch content in MMOs?

I do the exact same stupid trick every time there's a patch for Final Fantasy XIV. I play the heck out of it in...

The Daily Grind: What’s the funniest conversation you’ve witnessed in MMO world chat?

I know it's common wisdom to simply jettison the world chat window as soon as you log into a new MMO. It's not healthy...