

The Daily Grind: Which MMO was the biggest contributor to killing the genre in 2021?

Before you get all prickly over the question, understand that we've been asking it of our readers since a backer pitched it in 2016....
Seamless. Very convincing.

The Daily Grind: What was the worst MMO trend of 2021?

At the end of December, we dished out our award for the best MMO trend of the year. Now, it's time to pinpoint the...

The Daily Grind: What are you looking forward to MMO-wise in 2022?

It's 2022 now, so that's something! Feels a lot like 2021... in terms of the MMO landscape, I mean, because no major updates have...

The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal PvP MMO setup?

Let me be very up front with you right now and say that I am quite out of my depth on this subject. I...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the brightest future in 2022?

In years past, we've run a "most innovative" and "most potential" award, but today, I want to focus on the "most potential" part because...
Hold up, losing my balance.

The Daily Grind: Do server merges make you worried or happy for an MMO?

All right, let's start with what seems to be a pretty clear statement: The easier it is for people to play together and not...

The Daily Grind: What do you want to accomplish in your MMO by the end of 2022?

Congrats! You're the proud new owner of a full one (1) year of upcoming gaming experiences! You've got lands to explore, dungeons to conquer,...
Defying logic...

The Daily Grind: What was the most painful MMO sunset of 2021?

We saw multiple smaller MMORPGs close down in 2021, and in fact in the new year we'll be recapping all of them. But in...
Not here, of course.

The Daily Grind: Would you ever consider giving an in-game MMO gift?

Sometimes all of us have more money in-game than out of the game. Sometimes you have friends where the only real personal connection is...

The Daily Grind: What MMO gifts did you get — or give yourself — this season?

I've always found it a lot of fun to jump online after Christmas morning to see what everyone got for the holidays, especially if...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best player community as of 2021?

I'm a partisan on this one: I have never been in an MMORPG with a better community than Lord of the Rings Online's. A couple...
Dare to be stupid!

The Daily Grind: What’s a gripe you have with an MMO you love?

Today is Festivus, which means that it's time for the annual Airing of Grievances. Here, I'll go first: Final Fantasy XIV, I love you, but...

The Daily Grind: Are you feeling optimistic, pessimistic, or neutral about the MMO scene?

I recently undertook what turned into the mammoth task of compiling all of the upcoming MMOs that we're watching. It ended up being a...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best crafting in 2021?

In years past, we've given out a formal award for the best MMO crafting, but this year we're taking a break from that. There...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best PvE experience in 2021?

If you've been following our awards this year, you know we brought back our PvP award for 2021. We'd let it go for a...

The Daily Grind: Do you want controller support in MMOs?

It was a big deal when World of Warcraft added some actual controller support to the game back with the Shadowlands launch... or at least, I...

The Daily Grind: What do you need to be doing less of in your MMO?

We all know that there is no end to the possible things we could be doing in our MMORPGs. These games are set up...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best graphics as of 2021?

I apologize in advance because I have another superficially simple but actually difficult annual Daily Grind for you: Today is the day we fight...
Bridge to nowhere.

The Daily Grind: What kills your interest in a pre-release MMO?

We see it a lot in our comment section: A game is either in very early testing or not even yet available for consistent...

The Daily Grind: What was the best new zone added to an MMO in 2021?

As a SWG Legends player, I was thrilled to see the launch of Bespin to a Star Wars Galaxies rogue server this year. Not...