
– Early Access
– Electronic Arts

Hyperspace Beacon: I wasn’t going to talk about Anthem, but I think I should

Like everyone else working in or around the gaming industry, I read Kotaku's Jason Schreier's exposé on BioWare's development of Anthem. And like many...

PAX East 2019: Destiny’s Sword aims to take the ludonarrative into actual gameplay

They were called Failure Force, and they were the team that could never make a roll. My roommate, my wife, and myself were playing a...

Respawn says it’s working on the bug that wiped Apex Legends accounts this afternoon

I'm sure everybody reading here has a horror story of somehow seeing an account wiped, but I can't remember the last time it happened...

The Stream Team: SWTOR’s Tatooine balloon ride

Datacrons and balloon rides: The two are inexorably linked in SWTOR. Massively OP's Larry and MJ must fly over the Tatooine sand dunes in...

Perfect Ten: MMO celebrations that didn’t rip off real-world holidays

Does it ever slightly bother you that in these alternate fantasy and science fiction worlds that we explore there just so happens to have...
Hooray, no shouting LFG for hours, that's enticing.

Kotaku’s Anthem exposé unmasks a studio in ‘crisis’ – and BioWare’s response is alarming

Kotaku has another lengthy expose up today, this one homing in on Anthem. Author Jason Schreier interviewed 19 Anthem (and Anthem-adjacent) developers to paint...

The Daily Grind: Do you still get excited about upcoming MMORPGs?

It was the late aughts. My husband and I had scraped together money to fly to London for a meet-up with our Europe-based guildies....

Massively Uplifting: Bethesda’s gift to gaming granny, friendships forged in EverQuest and Guild Wars 2

It is no joke: There is plenty that's good going on in the gaming world, and we want to share that with you. You...

The Daily Grind: Should AAA companies expect gamers to fund esports prize pools?

The esports industry is absolutely no stranger to watcher-funded prize pools. I know this. We've watched as companies like Riot Games and Hi-Rez have...

The MOP Up: Warframe descends to Deck 12 on consoles

Warframe's Deck 12 has unlocked for console players -- and there are deep, dark secrets to be uncovered by descending to it. "Now is the...
Don't worry, something will happen any day now.

Global Chat: Looking back at 20 years of EverQuest

EverQuest's 20th anniversary isn't going unnoticed and unobserved in the gaming community this month. In fact, several MMO bloggers have raised a glass to...

The Survivalist: Surprise! Rend launches today with a $9.99 sale as Frostkeep teases new game

Earlier today we heard the news of Rend servers consolidating, and that definitely raised a few eyebrows. In fact, we noted, "It’s not exactly...

Here’s a look at the female armors in Star Citizen

Whether it's the digital world or the real one, window shopping is easily one of my favorite pastimes. It's like retail therapy but without...
Not today, old man.

Remember Booty Bay in World of Warcraft? It’s back! In Sims 4 form!

If you've ever wandered through Booty Bay in World of Warcraft and thought that it'd be much cooler if the town featured a bunch of...
This was a television show.

Perfect Ten: How to determine whether an IP would make a good MMO

A few weeks back, fellow writer Justin talked about cartoons from the '80s that would make for good MMOs. In some cases I agree;...

Hyperspace Beacon: This is the toughest choice in Star Wars Galaxies Legends

I'm Larry, and I'm an altoholic. (Pauses for everyone to say "Hi, Larry.") The toughest part of any game for me is which class...

Anthem’s loot-system struggle continues as update brings legendary missions

Anthem's been having a bit of a rough go of it lately, with a significant portion of the game's community expressing disappointment about the...
We never claimed to be saints.

Electronic Arts lays off 350 people from multiple teams, draws down presence in Japan and Russia

EA is undergoing major layoffs today. The nicest thing we can say about them is that at least it's "only" 350 out of 9000...

Fight or Kite: Clawing my way back into Guild Wars 2’s WvW

All aboard and welcome everyone to a brand-new series here on Massively Overpowered: Fight or Kite, our new column focusing on PvP across the...
It was cute.

The Daily Grind: Is it possible for an MMO to make you feel like a kid again?

Last month on /r/mmorpg, there was a thread about finding MMOs that will make you feel like a kid again. You can probably guess...