
Echo of Soul sunsets in Korea next month [Updated]

Hangame announced yesterday that it will sunset MMORPG Echo of Soul in its native Korea. Hangame thanked players for their loyalty since the game's launch...

Tamriel Infinium: Six great things to do in Elder Scrolls Online that aren’t endgame

Two weeks ago, ZeniMax launched the Imperial City DLC for Elder Scrolls Online, and yet I have little desire to check the new content...

MMO Mechanics: Economic stagnation in MMO economies

MMO economies are notoriously hard to balance, so most MMO players have seen the effects of stagnation and hyperinflation in an MMO economy for...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2 raiding factsheet

If you're anything like me, you'll have been bursting at the seams to find out what shape the promised "challenging group content" will take...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s crafting and gathering endgame in Heavensward

Crafting and gathering has never been a primary goal of mine in Final Fantasy XIV so much as a secondary one. It's something extra...

Here’s what Carbine is doing to WildStar’s loot this fall

"Lots of things are changing -- lots of things," WildStar Senior Game Designer Evan "Verizal" Graziano says in a new loot deep-dive posted on...

PAX Prime 2015: Guild Wars 2 is never getting a PUG raid finder

Guild Wars 2 set its fanbase on edge this last week on Twitter and at PAX prime. We learned that raids are coming to GW2 with...

Massively Overthinking: Making MMOs more social from the inside out

This week's Massively Overthinking topic from an anonymous Kickstarter donor asks us to set aside our criticisms of the social environment of MMOs and...

Hyperspace Beacon: What we need to know about SWTOR’s expansion companions

Tomorrow, the Star Wars: The Old Republic development team will livestream parts of its newest expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire. BioWare promises to answer...

Destiny is going to get way better with The Taken King

When Destiny's The Taken King comes out on September 15th, it's going to be adding so many features and making so many changes that...

Guild Wars 2 will demo ‘challenging group content’ at PAX

Guild Wars 2 fans heading to PAX Prime later this month will find a lot to do with their favorite MMO. ArenaNet said that the...

Perfect World launches PWI’s Riptide update

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that its Riptide update is live for Perfect World International. The patch includes a new star chart system, which...

Guild Chat: What to do when your guildies buy illegal MMO gold

Hello, readers, and welcome along to my cozy little corner where we get together to help a reader in need with a guild-related issue....

Albion is aiming at an EVE-like metagame

The Videogame Backlog has interviewed Christian Ziegert, who is the head of operations at Sandbox Interactive and who is responsible for the fantasy MMO...

Gamescom 2015: Guild Wars 2’s new mastery system details revealed

On the opening day of Gamescom 2015, I crept away from the buzzing hum and dazzling lights of the show floor to sit down with Guild...

MMO Burnout: Virtual bush flying with FSEconomy

I play a lot of flight sims. The Sturmovik series, DCS, X-Plane, and pretty much every similar title ever released has found its way onto...
When it comes.

WoW Factor: Analyzing Legion with a critical eye

All right, let me just say for the record that when it comes to this expansion, my speculation last week was meant as just...

Gamescom 2015: Trove’s fall Shadow Tower update offers endgame content, new class

Trion did something this year that a lot of MMO studios don't bother to do: brought existing MMOs to Gamescom. The studio unleashed information on...

PSA: The Secret World is consolidating currencies, so spend yours soon

Here's an important heads-up for The Secret World players that you might have missed back in July when it was originally announced: Funcom is...
I always want screenshots I don't actually have, it seems.

Wisdom of Nym: Speculating on what comes next in Final Fantasy XIV

Let me start by warning you fans of Final Fantasy XIV that this column may very well have spoilers, but that's all right because...