eve fanfest
EVE Fanfest 2017: EVE Valkyrie adds atmospheric flight in Groundrush, coming April 11th
Virtual reality dogfighter EVE: Valkyrie has taken centre stage in the emerging VR landscape, growing from a tech demo developed by some devs at CCP Games...
EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s moon mining overhaul and the future of conflict
Just under four years ago at EVE Fanfest 2013, EVE Online's Executive Producer Andie Nordgren took the stage and delivered an epic long-term vision for the...
EVE Fanfest will play host to deadly plague this weekend
In a macabre move, EVE Fanfest 2017 (this coming weekend!) is merging game activity and convention to bring its players in contact with a deadly...
CCP’s live-action EVE Online ARG looks like the best thing at this year’s EVE Fanfest
Got your tix for EVE Online's EVE Fanfest 2017? Ready to set aside your in-game enmity and play nice with your fellow gamers for...
EVE Evolved: Hints of EVE Online’s summer update
The EVE Online community was a little surprised this week by what appeared to be the accidental early reveal of the feature list for this summer's...
EVE Evolved: What do we want from Drilling Platforms?
If you followed our EVE Fanfest coverage last year, you might remember CCP announcing plans to add a whole series of new deployable structures...
EVE Online releases Guardian’s Gala update, gives glimpse into its glorious future
A new development update for EVE Online hints at grand and glorious things to come. CCP Seagull posted a three-minute video in which she...
Jukebox Heroes: Live performances of MMO scores
I am of the opinion that there is something special and magical about getting to experience music in person, especially so when it is...
EVE Evolved: Making stories with friends in EVE Online
It's one of the more peculiar laws of the universe that when enough EVE Online players meet in the real world, they absolutely must swap stories. You...
EVE Online starts the process of electing its next player council
When the winter is coldest on the coast of Iceland, CCP lugs out its 20-foot wooden alpine horn and blows a signal that can...
EVE Evolved: 2016 EVE Online year in review
It's been another busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online, and an absolute roller coaster ride for both players and developer CCP Games. On the...
CCP opens EVE Fanfest 2017 ticket sales
With EVE Vegas barely over, CCP Games has already announced that it's opened ticket sales for EVE Fanfest 2017 in Reykjavik, which is set for...
EVE Vegas 2016: EVE Online is finally getting a real tutorial
One of EVE Online's developers once described the new player experience with the line "Welcome to EVE, here's a Rubik's cube, go f**k yourself," and he...
EVE Evolved: Alpha Clone economics, bragging rights, and restrictions
Yesterday at EVE Vegas 2016, developer CCP Rise held us spellbound with tales of his recent misadventures in EVE Online recently when pretending to...
EVE Vegas 2016: Ascension expansion detailed, new trailer released
While the main event of the EVE Online social calendar is unmistakably the annual EVE Fanfest convention in Iceland, smaller gatherings are held throughout the...
Global Chat: Stormblood, One Tamriel, New World, and the ‘antisocial epidemic’
The announcement of Final Fantasy XIV's second expansion, Stormblood, is sure to inject more life and excitement into this beloved MMORPG. A couple of...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 87: Rise of Stormblood Rising
Justin, Bree, and Eliot discuss FFXIV Stormblood, WoW, SWGEmu, The Secret World, Daybreak, SHSO, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on replacing SWG and retiring with MMORPGs.
Final Fantasy XIV announces its second expansion, Stormblood
Yes, it's the announcement all fans of Final Fantasy XIV were waiting for and expecting from this weekend's fan festival, the game's second expansion. The...
EVE Evolved: What else is coming to EVE Online in November?
Recently I've been looking at how EVE Online will be affected by the introduction of free-to-play "alpha clone" accounts in its upcoming November expansion, but there's a...
EVE Evolved: What went wrong with the Shadow of the Serpent event?
Last week's EVE Online patch added the massive Shadow of the Serpent event, a game-wide storyline arc that pits players against the Serpentis and Angel...