eve fanfest

EVE Fanfest 2016: Industrial citadels and drilling platforms in EVE Online

EVE Online's Citadel expansion goes live in just a few days on April 27th, opening the floodgates on a new era of space colonisation for players....

EVE Fanfest 2016: Project Nova rises from DUST 514’s ashes

On May 14th 2013, CCP Games optimistically launched its first attempt to penetrate the console & shooter markets with DUST 514. The game had...

EVE Fanfest 2016: EVE Mobile coming to Android and iOS

Remember back in 2013 when Jon Lander announced plans for an EVE Online mobile tie-in with the immortal words, "This time next year, you'll have EVE Mobile in...

EVE Fanfest 2016: EVE Online’s Citadel trailer, CSM results, and stream

Videos and news bits are trickling in from this year's EVE Fanfest, where CCP has just shown a video feature tour of the Citadel expansion that...

EVE Fanfest 2016: Full cross-platform play is planned for EVE: Valkyrie

EVE: Valkyrie will eventually be playable fully cross-platform, according to a presentation given today during EVE Fanfest 2016. The game has already launched on the...

EVE Evolved: What to expect from EVE Fanfest 2016

Ask the average gamer what he knows about EVE Online and after the word "boring" and a spreadsheet joke or two, he'll probably talk about stories...

EVE Fanfest kicks off next week

CCP couldn't have timed it better if it had tried: This year's EVE Fanfest will kick off in Reykjavik, Iceland, next weekend, smack in...

Player-created space cities arrive in EVE Online when Citadel launches April 27

CCP has announced that EVE Online's next big expansion, Citadel, is officially landing on April 27th following EVE Fanfest. At the heart of the expansion...

EVE Evolved: Analysing EVE’s new Economic Reports

EVE Online's massive and largely player-run economy has been a frequent topic of discussion on MMO blogs and gaming news sites over the years. The unregulated...

EVE Online compensates players with 200k skill points for server move downtime

EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCP Seagull" Nordgren has addressed EVE players in a new video posted to the official site. Nordgren apologizes for...

EVE Evolved: The right way to reboot DUST 514

This week we heard the news that CCP Games will be officially shutting down PS3 online shooter DUST 514 in May to start work on...

DUST 514 will sunset on PS3 in May, replaced by new PC FPS

CCP Games has just announced that it will be sunsetting its EVE-universe shooter DUST 514 on the PlayStation 3 platform on May 30th. The...

The MOP Up: Dungeons & Drama Online (January 31, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

EVE Evolved: Should CCP start developing Walking in Stations again?

In all the time that I've been writing about EVE Online, one of the most common recurring comments is that the game badly needs...

EVE Online starts CSM process earlier this year

Because of when EVE Online's Fanfest is happening this year, the election process for the game's Council of Stellar Management has started earlier than in...
Space is so big.

EVE Online looks back at 2015 in its totality

So, how was 2015 for EVE Online? Well, it featured a lot of stuff from the game's development team, definitely. But is that the...

EVE Evolved: 2015 EVE Online year in review

It's been a busy year for sci-fi MMO EVE Online and developer CCP Games. EVE received more updates throughout 2015 than in any previous year, though...

EVE’s ‘ISIS’ ship browser gets a rename

EVE Online's Operation Frostline patch yesterday brought to light an intriguing change: a new name for the game's ship browser, the Interbus Ship Identification System, otherwise...

EVE Vegas 2015: Further Citadel details, Valkyrie, capitals, and skill packets

Though most of the big reveals for EVE Vegas 2015 were front-loaded into day one's EVE keynote talk, a lot of questions were left...

EVE Vegas 2015: Citadel expansion details revealed

CCP promised some big reveals at EVE Vegas 2015 and so far it has definitely delivered. In yesterday's EVE Online keynote speech, we heard concrete...