
Perfect Ten: 10 amazing hidden quests in World of Warcraft

Finding quests in World of Warcraft is not exactly what you would call "difficult," as the game famously stuck giant floating exclamation marks over...

Not So Massively: The dos and don’ts of stealing from MMOs

Recently I played through the new PC port of the open world RPG Horizon Zero Dawn. While playing it, I was struck by how...

LOTRO Legendarium: The quiet consistency of Lord of the Rings Online

I want to start this LOTRO Legendarium column today by talking about, well, by talking about World of Warcraft. Like probably many of you,...

Massively Overthinking: Contemplating in-game advertising

Last week, EA announced that it would finally be removing all the in-game ads from UFC4 after a few days of intense complaining from...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: How to speak with your family members about playing MMOs

The nice part about growing up with serious social awkwardness as "the weird one" in my family is that really, every strange fixation I...
Bad guys. Duh.

Vague Patch Notes: Apple vs. Epic is not good vs. evil

So Epic has really gone all-in on fighting against Apple here, huh? The company is using Fortnite as a wedge in hopes of bringing down...
This was a thing.

The Soapbox: Feeling the loss of an MMO community

Back in 2012, I was almost a year deep into Lord of the Rings Online and enjoying my time both in the game and...

LOTRO Legendarium: Ranking LOTRO’s expansions from worst to best

Every once in a while, it's a lot of fun to sit down and rank things in your favorite geeky franchises. A while back,...
Surprised? Really?

WoW Factor: World of Warcraft has no good excuses for not having housing

We are past 15 years on now, and World of Warcraft still lacks housing. This is, frankly, really dumb. And it comes up a...

The Game Archaeologist: Flagship’s Mythos

Whenever the topic of Flagship Studios comes up, usually it's in conjunction with Hellgate: London. And while Hellgate certainly was a huge and ultimately...

Massively Overthinking: Mixing and matching the best crafting systems in the MMO ‘verse

Longtime MOP reader Ken from Chicago recently asked us to talk about crafting - but he didn't want us to just list off the...

Vague Patch Notes: How platform considerations impact MMOs

It wasn't until I had been working in this field for a while - and as a result playing a lot of different MMOs...

Perfect Ten: 10 great tropical areas to visit in MMOs

Probably a lot of us aren't getting that fantastic summer beach vacation that we had hoped to get this year. But instead of getting...

The Soapbox: Stubborn MMO players are sleeping on autoplay mechanics

Autoplay, huh. What is it good for? Absolutely something! I'll say it again: There is value in autoplay. It's got such a bad reputation...

First impressions and hands-on with Razer’s left-handed Naga MMO mouse

A little-known fact: I am one of the less than 10% of the world’s population who are left-handed. It’s not always convenient (those chairs...
I half-see.

Vague Patch Notes: Balance in MMOs is overrated

Earlier this week, we did a post all about balance in Crucible. It was a detailed post explaining all of the ways that the...
Oh great.

Perfect Ten: Ten things to do when you just want to chill out in an MMO

Let's face it: Sometimes, playing MMORPGs -- as with any video game -- has the potential to stress us out. We might feel under...
So... we cool, huh? We cool?

Wisdom of Nym: What it means to be good at Final Fantasy XIV content

Let's start with an assertion that some people may or may not believe but is still true no matter what: Dungeons in Final Fantasy...

The Game Archaeologist: Clone Wars Adventures, the Star Wars MMO everyone kinda forgot

Whenever the topic -- the argument -- of Star Wars MMOs arises, the debate is usually between the merits of the sandboxy Star Wars...

The Soapbox: Powercreep in MMOs sucks – so how do we solve it?

We all love multiplayer, persistent world online games, don’t we? Players stay for the familiarity, nostalgia, and potential for years of enjoyment. Studios love...