
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

LOTRO confirms a multi-boss raid for its Mordor expansion

When it comes to Mordor, is there any zone better suited to large, epic endgame fights? Yet when Lord of the Rings Online players...

Tale of Toast’s cute aesthetics hide old-school challenge

Don't judge a book by its cover, they say, and certainly don't go making assumptions about the difficulty levels of MMORPGs by how gritty...

The Stream Team: Power to the PC on a Marvel Heroes Monday

You may be hearing quite a bit about Marvel Heroes Omega lately (there's even a founder's pack giveaway ending tonight right here on MOP!), but...

Marvel Heroes lays out PC plans for 2017

Feeling a little neglected, Marvel Heroes PC players? Grumpy that Omega's getting all of mom and dad's attention? Gazillion has heard your grumbling, which...
This thing is pretty good.

Neverwinter shows off the features of the Great Hall

Ah, the Great Hall! It's the place in Neverwinter where your guild hatches all of its greatest schemes, gathers and laughs about victories won,...

The Stream Team: Happy 5th birthday TERA!

A half a decade: That's how old TERA is today. And the Honorbound patch recently launched as well. That makes two good reasons for...

Superdata report shows Overwatch slipping, Hearthstone rebounding

Looking back at March's digital sales, the industry was up 15% year-over-year from 2016, Superdata Research reports. Mobile was the largest area of growth,...

The MOP Up: Warface meets Crysis (April 30, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
Shroud of the Avatar

Wanna try new MMORPGs? Join the MMO Book Club

Long ago when we were between MMOs, my guild went through several months of playing a new game every week thanks to the magic...

One Shots: Through the portal?

The other day, Bree was complaining about how so many screenshots from modern MMORPGs suffer from a bland and monochrome palette. Coming to the...

LOTRO Legendarium: 10th anniversary interview with Standing Stone’s Rob Ciccolini

As Lord of the Rings Online players revel in the varied activities of this year's 10th anniversary celebration, the crew at the newly formed...

World of Tanks overhauls its matchmaking system

Calling Patch 9.18 "one of the most significant ever" for World of Tanks, Wargaming overhauled the game's matchmaking system this week as part of...

Overwatch hits 30M players, makes Chinese free-to-play test plans

Blizzard has just announced that Overwatch has just counted 30 million players. That's buyers, mind you, as the game is buy-to-play. However, a limited free-to-play Overwatch is...
Oh my.

Massively Overthinking: Are MMORPG players a minority in their own genre?

Deep in the comments of the MMOs-vs.-survival-sandboxes thread from last week, reader miol_ produced a beautiful comment about how MMO players have become a...

Path of Exile issues Patch 3.0 manifesto

Does anyone not get a little excited and cynical when they hear the phrase "game manifesto" these days? It's such a loaded term, fraught...
aw jeez

PSA: Champions Online’s freeform slots are half-off

If you haven't picked up Champions Online as a free player, you might not know that the game restricts unfettered character creation for F2P....
Majoring in majoring, Major Major.

Revelation Online invites you to visit the Immortal Annex

The Immortal Annex in Revelation Online is a place of boundless learning, a faction devoted simply to studying, researching, learning, and never actually going...

Enter to win a Marvel Heroes Omega founder pack with beta access from Gazillion and MOP

If you were curious about the Marvel Heroes Omega edition out on PlayStation 4 but didn't want to shell out for a founder pack...

Neverwinter claims 15M registered players across all platforms

Neverwinter has cause for celebration today: PWE has officially announced that the D&D MMORPG has counted over 15 million registered players on PC, Xbox...
I'll just leave, if I want.

Battle Bards Episode 97: The sound of magic

“Magic can be ANYthing!” The forces of magic run deep within MMORPGs, casting shadows of wonder wherever we look — and listen. In today’s show,...