
See: Final Fantasy XIV

Black Lives Matter.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 275: What truly matters

Justin, MJ, and Bree talk Black Lives Matter, Path of Exile, Elite Dangerous, FFXIV Fanfest, with adventures in ESO, WoW, Astroneer, LOTRO, Subnautica, SWG Legends, and mailbag topics on redesigning mages and what WoW did right.
Toss me a cure, will you?

Wisdom of Nym: The ‘problem jobs’ of Final Fantasy XIV’s Shadowbringers

When Final Fantasy XIV launched Shadowbringers, every job had issues, but most of them were fairly minor. That was not universally the case, to...

One Shots: Do you have a few moments to talk about Jediism?

Here's a player housing pro-tip that is useful when striking up a settlement in a risky location: Make a door. A big door. A...

The Game Archaeologist: Were sequels ever a good idea for MMOs?

From movies to books to video games, sequels (and all related spin-offs) are a common sight when a property is sufficiently successful enough. Even...

Final Fantasy XIV cancels its North American fan festival for 2020 over COVID-19, delays patch 5.3

One of the later events scheduled for this year has still been claimed by the global pandemic; Final Fantasy XIV's fan festival scheduled for...

Massively Overthinking: Deleting pieces of MMOs to save them

Two ideas floated across my virtual desk in recent weeks, neither directly relating to MMORPGs, but they put the nugget of an idea in...

Naoki Yoshida dismisses Final Fantasy XVI directorship rumors

The rumors have flown around about Naoki Yoshida being attached to Final Fantasy XVI as the game's director. In fact, the rumors have been flying...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: An entirely accurate and unassailable history of pet classes in MMORPGs

Pet classes! They're a very important part of MMORPGs, the opportunity to not just go into combat alone but to march in alongside a...
The other side.

Wisdom of Nym: So, if there is a Final Fantasy XVI…

It's been about a year since I wrote about Naoki Yoshida's mystery project, which still has not actually been announced in any way and...

One Shots: Posing is half the battle

It's not just enough to tote around a legendary weapon in your MMO -- you're going to need to learn that posing is half...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMO developers stuck in the past?

Earlier this month - so what feels like at least a few years ago - the MMO community amused itself jousting over comments from...
Yeah, it's never happening.

First Impressions: Phantasy Star Online 2’s technical clownshow mangled its PC launch

Phantasy Star Online 2 is, bar none, the absolute worst experience I have ever had with trying to get a game working on my...

Perfect Ten: Unconventional MMORPG magic classes

Earth. Fire. Air. Water. These elements are all well and good if you want to summon Captain Planet for some reason, but they make...
For you it's all in a day.

Final Fantasy XIV brings back the Maiden’s Rhapsody collaboration

Well, here's a blast from the past for Final Fantasy XIV players. Also, Final Fantasy XI players, and especially players of both, because the Maiden's Rhapsody is...
This is who we were.

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers has mined out its own nostalgia

There are a lot of themes that are running hot through the entirety of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. Some of them are very obvious and...

Battle Bards Episode 169: Wild Things

Do you ever walk on the wild side in MMOs? Do you have a penchant for beastly races that aren’t merely reskinned humans? Then...

One Shot: Wedding bells

The other day I showed my kids our wedding video, and while we watched it I was reminded how much sheer work it took...

Massively Overthinking: The more things change in MMOs, the more they stay the same

A while back, in the wake of our Desert Oasis column on Black Desert's guild system, Carlo and I were discussing guild wars -...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s healer problem and how it’s kind of unsolvable

I quite like Final Fantasy XIV's healers. I really enjoy both Scholar and White Mage, and considering that this expansion is one in which I'd...

The Daily Grind: What MMO should a true MMO newbie try in 2020?

If you've ever been to generalist gaming Reddits, you know one of the most common threads is the "what should I play" thread, which...