free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

This player is rebuilding Ultima Online in Wurm Online

One of the best parts of Wurm Online's Unlimited version is that players can run wild with their own custom servers, tailoring them to...

Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind will not blow your mind, but it will tickle your nostalgia

Over the last week or so, ZeniMax Online Studios opened up parts of The Elder Scrolls Online's Morrowind test servers to the press and public,...
Dota 2

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on Dota 2’s plan to require phone numbers for competitive play?

Last week, Valve announced that in order to compete in ranked play, Dota 2 players will be required to register a unique phone number. "Players...

The MOP Up: Aion has spring fever (April 23, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Lights, camera, frogs!

Just because you happen to be a humanoid frog doesn't mean that you've lost at the lottery of life. On the contrary, you have...

Netmarble raises $2.3B in IPO while Uncharted Waters Online goes steampunk

The top publisher of online games in South Korea now boasts the second-largest initial public offering in the country's history. Netmarble, a Tencent subsidiary, raised...

LOTRO devs address anniversary event uproar

While Lord of the Rings Online players are flitting all around Middle-earth to complete the brand-new scavenger hunt cards, not everyone is happy with...

LOTRO Legendarium: A marvelous decade of Middle-earth

The first I ever heard of Lord of the Rings Online was flipping through the pages of some gaming magazine back in early 2007....

The Daily Grind: Do you want weekly MMO quest releases?

In the next week or so, Lord of the Rings Online will be kicking off its 10th anniversary with a new "scavenger hunt" that...
Work together to work separately.

EverQuest II outlines upcoming familiars, cooperative competitions, and a level boost in the near future

Are you cooperative or competitive in EverQuest II? Do you like to work with others or work against them? The good news is that...

Marvel Heroes Omega’s closed beta begins for PS4 founder pack buyers

The closed beta for Marvel Heroes Omega is now live in the US for PlayStation 4 owners, Gazillion announced just a bit ago. A...

Here are two great guides for the new LOTRO anniversary scavenger hunts

Yesterday, Lord of the Rings Online kicked off its momentous 10th Anniversary celebration with fireworks, dragon kites, and a brand-new series of scavenger hunts...
Listen to me man I got Opinions

Neverwinter unpacks the art of listening to community feedback

Boy, it sucks how the developers never listen to your feedback, huh? What's the deal with that? Well, Neverwinter is going to tell you...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II wins big with Beast’r Egg event

Did you participate in EverQuest II's Beast'r Egg hunt live event this past week? If not, I'm sorry to say you missed your chance;...

LOTRO kicks off 10th anniversary celebration, more musical retrospectives

It might not be Lord of the Rings Online's technical birthday quite yet, but the 10th anniversary celebrations are all ready underway as of today....

SWTOR expansion trailer is nominated for a Webby

Here's a welcome shot of publicity for Star Wars: The Old Republic this week. Knights of the Eternal Throne's "Betrayed" trailer was nominated for...
To be fair, stopping isn't the worst idea.

EverQuest launches an expansion-locked progression server on May 24

The next EverQuest progression server is on its way on May 24th, but it's a little different than previous progression servers because this one...

This RIFT fan trailer will elevate you to startling emotional heights

Here at Massively OP, we are not above indulging in our geek tooth with a fan-made trailer every now and then. Sometimes you just...

The Stream Team: The end of act one in SWTOR’s KOTFE

Massively OP's Larry and MJ have reached a major culminating part of the story in the SWTOR Choose My Alignment adventure -- the end...

Perfect Ten: Time travel in MMORPGs

Over the years, I've been fascinated with the concept of time in MMORPGs. It's one of those things that developers probably don't want you...