free trial

Shroud of the Avatar announces big gameplay change and new trial

Following the release of its October content update a few days ago, Shroud of the Avatar's weekly newsletter delivered a hodge-podge of smaller news...

Albion Online’s new trial is a referral system that costs the referrer in-game gold

If last week's rumors about a new trial version in Albion Online had you excited, good news for you: It's actually happening and in...

EVE Evolved: EVE Online’s free-to-play upgrades are pretty damn generous

You've probably heard by now that EVE Online is giving its free-to-play alpha clone characters a massive boost in power in December about a...
ride the build train

Rumor: Albion Online leak suggests new trial version with refer-a-friend benefits

Want to try out Albion Online? Do you want one of your friends to play Albion Online? The latest leaked information about the game...

Shroud of the Avatar pops out a free October trial, runs a Halloween contest

You can't turn around in this genre these days without Shroud of the Avatar leaping out at you with another free trial. And so...

The Game Archaeologist: The Chronicles of Spellborn

Hey! Hey you! Yeah, you the I'm-so-bored-with-all-of-these-MMOs gamer! You've been grousing about for years how MMOs never take risks, never innovate, and are merely...

Black Desert’s free Kamasylvia expansion launches today with tier 9 pegasi

Black Desert has just rolled out the first part of its Kamasylvia expansion today - it's a free update that's been long-awaited on western shores, bringing a...

Shroud of the Avatar preps 46th release, focuses on ‘player direction’ inside the world

It's almost the end of the month, and you know what that means: Shroud of the Avatar's monthly update. R46 is due out this...

Happy 20th birthday, Ultima Online! Here’s how to get caught up on the OG MMORPG

Just about 20 years ago, my boyfriend and I were wandering through Media Play (heh) when he picked up this box for some new...

The first chunk of Black Desert’s free Kamasylvia expansion launches next week

Remember last week when Kakao hinted that Black Desert's new servers were indication that Kamasylvia was on the way "real soon"? That soon is...
Oh, wow, maps. What an amazingly new concept.

Shroud of the Avatar’s R46, free trial, community map, and $52K telethon haul

Shroud of the Avatar is full-speed ahead, looking on to R46 with R45 in the rear-view mirror. What's in R46? Lots of stuff, starting...

Shroud of the Avatar is running another free trial until September 27

Curious about Shroud of the Avatar but not curious enough to drop money on the title first? Now you can try it out and...

Shroud of the Avatar’s R45 launches Thursday, Oktoberfest-themed fundraiser begins next week

Shroud of the Avatar is gearing up for one of its like-clockwork monthly releases: 45 on Thursday. In preparation, this week's newsletter features a...
Beware, beware, beware.

Shroud of the Avatar is playable for free right now

If you haven't been aware of it, Shroud of the Avatar is currently running yet another extended trial for the remainder of the month. That...

‘Selectively multiplayer’ Shroud of the Avatar unleashes R44, plans August free trial, and expands around the globe

The Shroud of the Avatar team is sitting pretty on top of this past week's Release 44, but there is always more to be...

Shroud of the Avatar polishes, primps, and prepares for this week’s Release 44

The Shroud of the Avatar team is staying quite busy this summer as it works to finish up the game world for launch later...

Elder Scrolls Online is granting a free sub benefits trial event starting Wednesday

If you're bored on July 4th when the US is busy eating hot dogs and blowing off fingers, welp, I can't help you there....
Oh, and let's not forget this freaky lady.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 124: Shroud of the Avatar’s Richard Garriott and Starr Long

Justin interviews Richard Garriott and Starr Long about Ultima Online's spiritual successor, Shroud of the Avatar.
There is a metaphor here somewhere.

Shroud of the Avatar plans patch for Thursday, free trial next week

We're nearing the end of another month, and that means, like clockwork, another Shroud of the Avatar patch is almost upon us. Release 43...

Shroud of the Avatar has plans to attract more players and keep them around

In the hopes of attracting and encouraging more player investors in Shroud of the Avatar, Portalarium took to Reddit for a Q&A session that...