
This tag lists out all of our posts that have galleries nested within them. Check out our gallery page too.

DC Universe Online: Halls of Power II and the end of DLC

If you are not a subscriber to DC Universe Online, you're still sitting back on the sidelines anticipating the release of Halls of Power Part...

The Daily Grind: Do you crave night-and-day cycles in MMOs?

Earlier this week, Daybreak's John Smedley told H1Z1 fans about a metric that startled me: An awful lot of post-apoc gamers are annoyed with night...
You can go ahead and fear me, really.

Guild Wars 2 unveils the Necromancer elite spec, the Reaper

Under normal circumstances, Guild Wars 2 Necromancers have a pretty decisive philosophy of not getting involved in melee. It makes sense, after all. These...

One Shots: Bugs Bunny 2099

What would Bugs Bunny look like if he were a futuristic space mercenary who chomped on freeze-dried carrots and spat out, "What's UP, doc?"...

Landmark’s new island shapes revealed

If you are eager to scope out Landmark's new landscapes in order to find the perfect spot to construct your next home, you can get...

Guild Wars 2 unveils the Guardian elite spec: Dragonhunter

Here we are in the wilds of Guild Wars 2 once again, and you can see we've got a big old dragon right there....

Global Chat: What happens to original MMOs when they get sequels?

Telwyn at GamingSF asks a question that I've contemplated from time to time: When an MMO gets a sequel, what happens to the original...

TERA arrives on Steam with the Gunner class patch

TERA fans have been anticipating the game's newest class for a while now -- and today, it's here. Patch 31.04 debuts the Gunner, a...

Pantheon boasts Unity 5 visuals, prepares internal alpha test

Could it be that Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is starting to look... really pretty? A new in-game screenshot of Avendyr's Pass shows how...

WildStar’s massive INVASION: Nexus patch is live

Do you want a pet? Do you want to take on some contracts? Are you excited to play around with an expanded wardrobe? Is...

One Shots: Pics or the beta didn’t happen

Stargate Worlds was one of those rare MMOs that progressed into the beta stage and was played by many yet never launched. Even today...

The Daily Grind: Are you an obsessive MMO screenshotter?

I can't help myself. I'm sorry, but I can't. I have folders stuffed with screenshots that attest to my habit of always stopping to...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...

One Shots: Every action movie cliché, ever

Everyone needs those epic action moments in MMOs from time to time when everything comes together to deliver a pulse-pounding experience. From the looks...

French MMO DOFUS heads to tablets and the big screen

You might think a game launched in 2004 not named World of Warcraft might be curbing its ambition here in 2015, but if you're...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The 10 things every MMO’s official site should have

Are you ready to have you mind absolutely blown open? Because I have an astonishing truth to lay at your feet: While doing this...
When will the loot drop

Lineage II: Infinite Odyssey is live today

The latest update to Lineage II is pushing beyond all of the its various limitations. Tired of the level cap? It's gone. No, not...

Land of Britain shows off new UE4 screenshots

Wondering why the Land of Britain developers have gone quiet? Probably not, as we hadn't covered the title before today. Regardless, we have an...

TERA gets the Gunner class and a Steam launch on May 5

TERA is adding the Gunner class in its May 5th patch. The fantasy MMO is also arriving on Steam that same day. The Gunner...

One Shots: Super Teddy

We don't see a lot of Champions Online pics come through here, probably because of the game's small population. That's a shame because if nothing...