game mechanics


The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO patch that punched above its usual weight?

Whatever your MMO of choice has as a patch schedule, the game has a cadence to it. You expect certain things from a patch....
We want to take a walk.

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Fallen Banners DLC and update 45 hit the public test server

If you're worried about the future of The Elder Scrolls Online updates and its overall content cadence right now... we know. We're worried too....

The Daily Grind: When has a character option in an MMORPG been more fun than you expected?

We've all gotten hyped about new classes or weapon options or whatever in an MMORPG before. It's just to be expected. But what's even...
Ch-ch-ch-chyou know the joke

Aion Classic brings back Class Changes for a limited time

Aion Classic EU has been busy with a roadmap, so what's Aion Classic NA up to? Changing your class and your destiny, apparently. Now, there...
No pretty for you

The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst about requiring you to wait?

Time-gating is a practice done throughout the MMO space for a variety of reasons, ranging from giving players with less time to play at...

Albion Online’s fourth Horizons update is a patch full of combat balance changes

You kids today fail to give the Dreadstorm Monarch's Eye of the Storm ability the respect it deserves in Albion Online, and so the...

World of Warcraft is surveying players on removing the Mythic+ timer and replacing it with a death counter

In any sort of combat-focused gameplay, the player character is generally seeking to not die. (Also during non-combat-focused gameplay, to be fair, but the...

Crimson Desert’s latest promo trailer showcases the creepy Hexe Marie boss fight

It's been a long time since Crimson Desert was announced, its entire gameplay style has changed multiple times, and at this point it is...
Holiday something.

Runes of Magic outlines big changes ahead, starting with a leveling curve revamp

It's been a long time since Runes of Magic first arrived on the MMORPG scene - 15 years, in fact - and it has...
Beautiful downtown North Dakota.

Wild Terra 2 is adding a PvE server while discontinuing its legacy servers

If you've ever looked at the screenshots of Wild Terra 2 and thought that it looked like a lot of fun right up until...
Parking was ample.

Throne and Liberty unveils its upcoming 2 Star Dungeons for the most dedicated adventurers

Let's be honest, Throne and Liberty calling its new challenge dungeons "2 Star Dungeons" makes them sound less like the apex of challenge and...

The patch notes for tomorrow’s WoW Classic and WoW Classic Classic update are upon us

If you've done the Silithus war effort before in World of Warcraft or even more recent versions of WoW Classic, you might have a...
hashtag changes, always changes

Dual spec and no buff/debuff limits are coming to the WoW Classic anniversary realms

The fresh anniversary realms for WoW Classic are perhaps not as true to World of Warcraft's past as some might want, or perhaps they're...

Throne & Liberty has kicked off its first Arena season post-launch

No more amateur hour for Throne & Liberty: The first Arena season has officially started with the game's 1.7.0 patch. That means you should...
Eye see.

Final Fantasy XI’s November update adds higher-level Besieged content

Besieged used to be a big deal for Final Fantasy XI, but in large part the game has moved on from when the content...

Eterspire adds wealth hats, golden capes, and a new quest while reducing its load on your mobile device

We know that it's getting colder for a lot of people this month into next, but we feel that we should point out that...
our house, etc.

Stars Reach moves its pre-alpha testing from single worlds to multiple worlds

The first thing to note is that Stars Reach, if you hadn't know this, takes place in space. The second thing to note once...
Eh... I thought it would be funny.

SMITE 2 adds Ra and Sobek to the game’s roster as closed alpha marches on

Readers who have gone down particular rabbit holes online over the past several years will probably look at the headline on this particular piece,...
weird viera

Rabbit and Steel adds Steam modding support and French translation with its newest patch

Voulez-vous jouer Rabbit and Steel en Francais? If you answered that sentence with "oui, j'aimerais ca!" then you will enjoy the fact that the...
Ashy ashy.

NCsoft’s Blade & Soul has launched its Ashland Village update

Look, you have to give Blade & Soul some credit for delivering what it promises. What's the new update called? Ashland Village. What's the...