game mechanics

Fresh-faced losers again.

Allods Online outlines the upcoming Spark Talents system

Why should you stop advancing your character in Allods Online just because you've hit the level cap? The game's next major update is going...
ride eternal shiny and chrome

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has a roadmap for 2018 coming soon

So what's actually going on for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Most of the news we've heard about the game this year has been focused around jumping...
The issues for the game have to do with depth, viability, and being locked in place, not with the business model.

Overwatch’s Kaplan discusses upcoming hero changes and the subsequent plans

The next round of hero changes for Overwatch is currently on the test server, so you can feel free to try them out if...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: How could multiclassing work in World of Warcraft?

Not so long ago, our editor-in-chief was talking about how World of Warcraft needs some form of multiclassing system. So let's talk about how...
Jump in any time.

World of Warcraft restores mobile auction house functionality

It was a quiet night last night for World of Warcraft datamining, but there was still some news to be had with the latest...

The Daily Grind: Would you cheat in an MMO if you could get away with it?

A friend of mine in Final Fantasy XI cheated at one point in a way no one was ever going to find out. He...
Or don't.

Just Survive tests a patch for weapon tiers

If you were lucky enough to get a particularly high-tier weapon in Just Survive, you probably like the game's various weapon tiers, because it...

Crowfall’s latest development stream is all about hello and goodbye

If you missed the most recent development livestream from Crowfall's team, you can watch it now just below. And it's covering a lot of...
Burn it, sure.

World of Warcraft explains hunter pets in Battle for Azeroth while datamining unearths more secrets

We're not going to blow anyone's mind by stating that pets are pretty central to the experience of playing a Hunter in World of...
Everyone shoots everyone else!

Fortnite outlines a new roadmap for Battle Royale and removes submachine guns

The designers behind Fortnite's Battle Royale mode have plans. What are those plans? You'll need to go on a dangerous mission to retrieve them...
Watch out! He's got a thing that throws sticks with knives!

Black Death patch 0.24 lets you drag and drop to your heart’s content

Yes, it's true, the latest patch for Black Death adds lots of drag-and-drop functionality. Want to drag something onto your new quick slot bars?...
Obviously silly dances are already universal.

Wisdom of Nym: What cosmetic features could other jobs get in Final Fantasy XIV?

About a month back, I got a comment in this column with an absolutely spectacular question. We've got two cosmetic systems that basically only...

Final Fantasy XIV shows off the Forbidden Land of Eureka

Players of Final Fantasy XIV are still knee-deep in exploring the game's most recent patch, but you won't have to wait until the next...
Isn't that nice.

Crowfall explains its new approach to character selection with the Crypt

As it currently stands in Crowfall, you are not the character that's marching around. You are a little shining blue crow, which is what...
heard u was talkin shiz

Conan Exiles is working on making the UI more communicative and creatures more expressive

The team behind Conan Exiles has been working hard over the past week, but a lot of that work has gone to the art...
You gotta keep 'em separated.

Wakfu’s newest patch adds in battlefields for PvP conquest

Do you think of Wakfu when you think of games with a solid PvP base? Possibly not. But you might change your tune about...
Who lives, who dies, do you get stories.

Datamining hints at story quests coming to Pokemon Go

The thing about datamining is that it doesn't always paint a picture of where a game is going; it paints a picture of where...
This is the real magic item.

Neverwinter details the rewards of the Lost City of Omu

There's no pretense that the real treasures in Neverwinter are the friendships you make along the way. The real treasures are treasures. They are...
I'm not exaggerating when I say that I had Highmountain unlocked without any intent of ever using it.

World of Warcraft adjusts classes and offers advice on unlocking Allied Races

So, do you have your allied races for World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth unlocked yet? Possibly not. Heck, you might be wondering how...

Saga of Lucimia discusses running after your corpse when you die in a pit

Show of hands, readers: How many of you have had great fun dealing with corpse runs, trying to retrieve your gear from the spot...