
Bungie prevails in court over racist creep who harassed and doxxed Destiny 2 staff

If you wanted another reason to appreciate Bungie - and another reminder that some online gamers are hella awful - a judge in Washington...

Studios working on Battlefield would like players to stop harassing its developers, please and thanks

The gaming community can often be described as "passionate" primarily because "frothingly and needlessly acidic about things that ultimately do not matter" is too...

SMITE studio promises to hunt and ban accounts tied to a harassment campaign that targeted women

Titan Forge Games, aka the Hi-Rez Studios team behind SMITE, are making it very plain that targeted harassment will not be tolerated. The studio...

Genshin Impact fires voice actor over allegations of grooming, harassment, and abuse

One of the English voice actors for Genshin Impact has lost his job as a result of some serious allegations leveraged against him. Elliot...

GDC’s State of the Games Industry survey once again demonstrates dev skepticism for metaverse and blockchain hokum

This year's State of the Game Industry from GDC - its 11th since beginning the project - delivers a range of insights from the...

EU Parliament adopts resolution to regulate games industry harms from lockboxes to manipulative design

Call them lockboxes, lootboxes, gambleboxes, or gachapon: The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to adopt a resolution "ensuring a safe online environment for online...

Voice chat software dev Modulate partners with the ADL to improve its ToxMod tool and fight online hate

The topic of toxic and hateful online gaming communities has risen in the headlines in recent weeks, particularly as the matter earned governmental attention....

Ubisoft attempts to curtail toxic behavior… by using a voluntary self-training course

To be fair, some effort is better than no effort, but one also has to raise their eyebrows at Ubisoft's Fair Play Program, which...

Members of US Congress send letters to game companies about combating extremism in online gaming

According to a December report from the Anti-Defamation League, extremism in online gaming is on the rise for the fourth year in a row....

Activision-Blizzard is being sued by yet another of its sexual harassment victims

Well, damn. We saw this story floating around the other day with weak tabloid-esque sourcing, but now it's been confirmed by the attorney: Yet...

Rapper T-Pain goes to bat for Apex Legends devs who are facing harassment

Earlier in the week Apex Legends developer Respawn Entertainment openly spoke out against the toxic portions of its playerbase, outlining a zero tolerance policy...
Skull skull skull skull.

Apex Legends draws a line in the sand over increased developer harassment

We all get mad at games, and some of us even get mad at game studios. However, when that anger boils over into harassment...

Ubisoft CEO suggests harassment claims come from a generational divide as employees call out ‘superficial’ reforms

Last year a culture of mismanagement, sexual harassment, and racism across Ubisoft and its many studios was exposed, leading to multiple executives leaving the...

Stalkers harassed Destiny 2 devs with racist voice mails and doxxing, new court filings show

Earlier this week, we wrote about Destiny 2 studio Bungie's plan to reduce comms between developers and players temporarily over some extreme harassment and...

Pokemon Go’s volunteers are being harassed by exploiters within the Wayfarer program

Remember how in some older MMOs, like Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Asheron's Call, we had volunteer gamemasters and counselors? And how sometimes it turned...

Massively on the Go: How to fix Pokemon Go’s longstanding player safety failures

This article is part four of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...

Massively on the Go: How Pokemon Go support fails MMOARG stalking victims

This article is part two of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...

Massively on the Go: How Niantic evades handling stalking and harassment in Pokemon Go and other ARGs

This article is part one of a four-piece series on safety in Pokemon Go as well as other Niantic games. You can read all...

Massively on the Go: Dealing with virtual harassment and stalking in MMOARGs

Gamers have been discussing the real-world issues that arise in augmented reality games, especially Pokemon Go, for years. In fact, Raph Koster himself addressed...

Twitch adds a phone-verified chat option in an attempt to combat harassment campaigns

We've been covering the problem of harassment and hate raiding of marginalized casters on Twitch for a while now, from the #TwitchDoBetter awareness campaign...