
Impressions of Project Gorgon from an Asheron’s Call player

It's finally time for me talk about Project Gorgon as a released product. As you might have guessed, I was avoiding the game prior to launch....
why is that the picture omg

WRUP: I overslept and my office is filled with firewood edition

Ah, Saturday, you noble day when I basically forget about time. Nothing I have to do today. Nothing much, anyway. I should check out...

WRUP: How to speak to a cat edition

When the cat is doing nothing: , hello! Hello, ! When the cat needs to be fed: , nummers! Nummy-nums! Kitty, num-nums, here kitty. When the...
This is the griffon.

PAX East 2018: An interview with the big griffon statue

Everyone knows that the various people portraying characters at PAX East are just there to portray a character. That's not who they really are....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 165: Step into the Morninglight

Justin and MJ discuss Secret World Legends, DDO, WoW, Conan Exiles, RIFT, LOTRO, TERA, Ultima Online, ArcheAge, and Star Trek Online, with mailbag questions on combat combos and recapturing former players.
It's not illegal!

WRUP: Advertising products we will not sell you edition

Friends, this week's What Are You Playing must highlight the most baffling marketing move I've ever seen. PAX East has often featured some baffling...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 164: Shroud of the Heroes

Justin and Bree discuss April Fools' Day across the MMO world, RIFT, DDO, Trove, Guild Wars 2, WoW, Sea of Thieves, Shroud of the Avatar, SWTOR, and FFXIV, with mailbag questions on MMO tourist modes and character customization.
This is where

WRUP: What to do if you want to attract a lot of ghosts to your house for some reason edition

So you want to attract a whole lot of ghosts to your house for some reason. Well, far be it from us to stop...
A journey into complexity.

Perfect Ten: More anthropomorphic MMO studio conversations

A while back, you may recall that I posted some of my conversations with anthropomorphized concepts of MMO studios. If you don't remember this,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 163: Expansions ‘Я’ Us

Justin and Bree talk expansions for Elder Scrolls Online, Star Trek Online, and Skyforge, with news on Bless, GDC, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, a new Star Wars title, Project Gorgon, RIFT, WoW, and Trove, with mailbag questions on whether Gorgon vs EverQuest and our Steam Team.

WRUP: Viva owls edition

¡Búhos vivos! Sí, señoras y señores, como transcrito por este idiota estadounidense que no habla una palabra de español en Google Translate, ¡tenemos búhos...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 162: The Morninglight wants you

Justin and Bree discuss Project Gorgon, RIFT, Trove, Secret World Legends' South Africa, ArcheAge's progression servers, Black Desert on Xbox One, World of Warcraft, and Bless, with mailbag entries on classic Guild Wars and RIFT Prime.
Well, yes.

WRUP: Spot the real names of actual Transformers edition!

As many of you may know, I am a fan of Transformers, which is frequently ridiculous. This is as evident in the names as...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 161: Project power

Justin and Bree discuss RIFT Prime, Trove, Project C, Project Gorgon, H1Z1, The Division 2, Guild Wars 2, and LOTRO, with mailbag questions on mimicking Minecraft's business model and playing the good stuff while you still can.
seriously where

WRUP: This just in, we’re lost on the way to the news edition

Thank you, Tom, I'm out here in the field and I do not know what I'm supposed to be covering out here. We are...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 160: Defiance ’till the end

Justin and Bree discuss Sea of Thieves, Defiance 2050, Funcom, Secret World, Guild Wars 2, and Villagers & Heroes, plus new updates in Neverwinter, WoW, Black Desert, and Path of Exile, with a mailbag question on all the MMOs we're looking forward to.
in space

WRUP: Space Pilot and the Spacing Spaceteers in Space edition

Space Pilot: The leader of the group, Space Pilot pilots his space pilot ship in space. Where he pilots. He wears a hat. Space Ace:...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 159: Panda punching

Justin and Bree discuss all the new stuff coming in March, plus news from TERA, RIFT Prime, H1Z1, Black Desert, Guild Wars 2, and secret projects, with mailbag questions on the fast pace of the site and MMO terminology.
This should be easier.

WRUP: How to perform simple tasks edition

Lesson 1: Chewing First, insert the object to be chewed into your mouth. Make sure that it is small enough to fit inside of your...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 158: We are all heroes

Justin and Bree discuss Final Fantasy XIV, Closers, Guild Wars 2, Trove, LOTRO, Elder Scrolls Online, SWTOR, Secret World Legends, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on lockboxes without gambling and sunsetting working MMORPGs.