See: H1Z1
king of the kill
H1Z1’s delayed patch arrives this week
The latest H1Z1 producer's letter has arrived, this one focusing on the Just Survive half of the now-split zombie survival sandbox. Daybreak begins by...
H1Z1 is ‘regrouping and refocusing’ after split
A new H1Z1 -- or "Hizzy," to its friends -- producer's letter shares that the team is still "regrouping and refocusing" following its digital...
Massively Overthinking: The new normal of early access MMORPGs
This week's topic comes from Massively OP reader Zadira.
"Daybreak has just passed it two-year anniversary for Landmark, and it still has its early access reward options for...
Global Chat: What is Daybreak thinking with H1Z1?
Daybreak's announcement earlier this month that it will be splitting H1Z1 into two games triggered a flood of responses from the MMO blogging community,...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 52: Horror sloth!
Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert 's cash shop, H1Z1, Guild Wars 2, ArcheAge's laundry, Devilian, Grim Dawn, FFXIV, and TSW, with mailbag questions on voiceover localization.
Perfect Ten: What you need to know before you play an older MMORPG
I cut my teeth on MMOs with the launch of Final Fantasy XI in America. My roommate in college was interested in the game,...
H1Z1 pushes out patch and trailers for both of its new halves
Welcome to the glorious era of trying to keep track of dual H1Z1 games at any given time. Yesterday, Daybreak put out new one-minute trailers for...
H1Z1’s split is underway
We hope you didn't have urgent plans to play H1Z1 today because the game is splitting itself in half today. The maintenance is currently...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 50: Happy birthday MOP!
On this week's Massively OP Podcast, Justin and Bree discuss MOP's first birthday, DUST 514, H1Z1, DCUO, Hearthstone, Anarchy Online, Diablo III, and TSW, with a mailbag question on the return of MMO subs.
The Daily Grind: Which survival sandbox are you most likely to play?
Over the weekend, Justin wrote about the deluge of major online multiplayer survival sandboxes hitting us lately. First there was DayZ and its early...