
Leaderboard is a weekly feature in which the Massively Overpowered staff pitch a poll to the readership. [Follow this feature’s RSS feed]

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite LOTRO class?

Yesterday I asked about your favorite zone in Lord of the Rings Online, but today I'd like to narrow the choices a bit and...

Leaderboard: Will you play Infinity Battlescape?

Infinity: Battlescape looks to have a little momentum on Kickstarter. I-Novae's seamless space battler is over two thirds of the way to its $300,000...

Leaderboard: Heart of Thorns vs. Knights of the Fallen Empire

With two giant MMO expansions releasing this month, it seems only natural that we take the opportunity to pit them against one another in...
Going nowhere.

Leaderboard: Are you worried about the westernization of Black Desert?

I've been looking forward to Black Desert for quite a long while. Sure, the B2P-with-an-item-mall business model dampens my enthusiasm, but I'm still keen on...

Leaderboard: Have you tried Albion Online?

There's something about Albion Online that appeals to me. I like the top-down perspective and the stylized visuals, and of course I love the...

Leaderboard: Have you played Elite: Dangerous?

I've got the space sim bug again. Well, OK, I never really lost it, but work and other hobbies occasionally make immersing myself in...

Leaderboard: Synth vs. orchestra for space MMOs

Earlier this week we got a taste of Pedro Camacho's orchestral score for Star Citizen. I loved it, but I've also been putting together my...

Leaderboard: Do you like MMO developer livestreams?

I'm not a big fan of livestreaming. I get why it's popular: people gravitate to magnetic gaming personalities the same way they gravitate toward...

Leaderboard: Which FFXIV crafting class is your favorite?

Yesterday I mentioned that I've returned to Final Fantasy XIV, and while I've since settled on a job (or two) for my main, I'm...

Leaderboard: What’s the greatest MMOFPS of all time?

Yesterday's Heroes & Generals post got me to thinking about MMOFPS titles. Heroes & Generals really isn't one, in my opinion, despite its developers...

SkySaga’s latest alpha patch adds playable monkeys and a dinosaur zone

Alpha 5 for SkySaga has landed -- and the monkeys have hit the fan. Playable monkey characters are only the surface for this massive game...

Leaderboard: Which MMO devs would you like to see in an epic rap battle?

Sometimes the MMO industry is so absurd that all we can do is laugh at it. OK, not sometimes, most of the time, and...

Leaderboard: Have you gotten married in an MMO?

TERA patched a wedding chapel into the lands of Arborea yesterday, and the occasion got me to wondering about holy matrimony in various other...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite Funcom MMO?

Earlier this week, news of Funcom's dwindling financial fortunes kind of depressed me. And judging by our comments, it depressed a number of you,...

Leaderboard: Would you play Civilization Online?

XLGAMES isn't bringing Civilization Online to western consumers. At least right now. Maybe XL and partner 2K will localize the title at some point, but...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite EverQuest II class?

I'm back in EverQuest II and having a pretty good time with it. As per usual, though, I can't decide on a primary class...

Leaderboard: How many MMOs have you played this week?

I guess my MMO habit is back in full swing, because after a few weeks of vacationing in the realm of single-player titles (and...

Leaderboard: Would you pay for good anti-cheat measures in an MMO?

Today's Leaderboard comes to us from MOP reader Hagu, who asks how much you value anti-cheat measures in MMOs. Players say they want great PvP,...

Leaderboard: What Blade & Soul class will you play?

I'm getting pretty excited for Blade & Soul, but I really have no idea what class I'm going to play at this point. The...

Leaderboard: What’s your favorite online action RPG?

Online action RPGs aren't really MMOs per se, but Massively has been covering them for quite a while anyway. I've only played one of...