
See Project Legion

It's the final showdown.

World of Warcraft hosts a massive roleplaying event to celebrate the defeat of the Legion

If you think about World of Warcraft's Moon Guard server, you probably make some jokes about ERP in Goldshire and move on with your...

Interview: Trion Worlds goes in depth on RIFT Prime

Following the initial announcement of RIFT Prime and the ensuing details that started to come out of Trion Worlds on the progression server, we...
Going nowhere, going nowhere

World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth collectors editions, game datamining

When can we start playing allied races in World of Warcraft? Probably as soon as we can pre-purchase Battle for Azeroth, based on current...

WoW Factor: The debate over World of Warcraft’s refer-a-friend nerf

Ah, another day and another thing to enrage people in World of Warcraft. Last time, it was that the Allied Race unlocks might (will)...
Burn it, sure.

World of Warcraft lays out its class adjustment paradigm for Battle for Azeroth

When Legion was on the way, World of Warcraft had a whole series of explanations about the broad and varied changes coming to every...

Jukebox Heroes: World of Warcraft’s best music, part 1

A week ago, I started to engage in an interesting thought experiment. I started jotting down what I thought were the best World of...
Who are you going to call? TELL ME!

TERA introduces the Guardian Legion on January 30

When the going gets tough in TERA, the tough get going! By the second "tough" we of course mean "max-level characters," and by "get...

Fulfill your postal fantasies in World of Warcraft’s secret quest chain

Blizzard has a habit of sneaking in semi-secret content into its patches for the community to discover, and this time around, it's all about...

World of Warcraft Refer-a-Friend experience boost gutted to match Heirloom leveling speed

So, were all of the experience boosts you had in World of Warcraft there to get your character to max level as quickly as...
This is not hard to do.

WoW Factor: Guessing at Battle for Azeroth’s release date using math

The "when will Battle for Azeroth" speculation train is rolling once again because it looks like patch 7.3.5 is just around the corner. We...

One Shots: To new beginnings!

It's a new year and a new you! Well, probably the old you a few days past the expiration date, but that doesn't mean...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: The fate of the class orders post-Legion, part 2

Back before the winter break, I took a look at how the various class orders are going to handle the increased conflict between the...
No, you don't get it, she has no eyes.

WoW Factor: Do World of Warcraft’s allied race requirements make sense?

We still do not know exactly when World of Warcraft will make allied races playable. What we do know is that it sure as...
Still not really a thing for most of the world, though.

Blizzard throws a holiday sale for World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo III, and more

Have a few extra bucks that Santa and his corporate elves haven't pried from your wallet this month? Blizzard would like to tempt you...
What you are chasing and will not get.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the best value at the start of 2018

Let's talk about value. A couple of weeks back, I did an article on the healthiest games at the end of the year; today,...

Winter Veil brings frosty fun to World of Warcraft

Abominable Greenches, kissing under the mistletoe, fruitcake, and snowball fights: Winter Veil must be here. World of Warcraft has been building up its holiday festival...

The Game Archaeologist: Revisiting the first three months of World of Warcraft

Were you there? Many of us were. Many weren't. Either way, November 23rd, 2004 was a watershed date for the MMORPG industry and one watched...

WoW Factor: The fate of WoW’s class orders post-Legion, part 1

In the lull between expansions, I've been hard at work bringing my alts up to the level cap, unlocking all of the class mounts,...
When leveling alts was already the plan...

WoW Factor: Reconsidering the next few months of World of Warcraft

There's a lot of information coming out about patch 7.3.5 at this point. Not everything, of course, and a lot of it is based...
Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays

WoW Factor: Why are we going back to factional squabbles after the end of Antorus?

Antorus is out now, and if you want to see the cinematic that ends the very long-running story about the Burning Legion and Sargeras,...