lord of the rings online

Official Site: Lord of the Rings Online
Studio: Standing Stone Games, formerly Turbine/WB Interactive Entertainment; published by Daybreak Game Company
Launch Date: April 24, 2007
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

The Daily Grind: Which MMO biomes do you love and hate?

Environment is super-important to me, both in real life and in video games. My surroundings have a large impact on my mood, with my...
Panic mode activated.

Russian version of Lord of the Rings Online closes June 1st

If you were hoping that the Russian version of Lord of the Rings Online would last forever, we have some sad news for you...

Massively Opinionated: WoW vs. LOTRO vs. the banker

In this augural episode of Massively Opinionated, Larry, Mike, Richie, and Tina debate the topic of what makes the MMORPG genre special in 2015.

The Daily Grind: Where do you go to relax in MMOs?

This morning's Daily Grind comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor with a deceptively simple question: Which MMO zone is the most relaxing? A lot...

Global Chat: Are WoW Tokens worth it?

The debut of World of Warcraft Tokens into the game's economy has caused quite a stir, particularly after the prices plunged during the first...
What will we do?

LotRO stars in new Vanderbilt online gaming course

How does a seven-week course in gaming centered around Lord of the Rings Online grab you? Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative is...
Red sky at night, everything's boned.

Take a peek at the new areas and instances of Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 16

The next big update to Lord of the Rings Online brings players ever closer to Mordor, which anyone with passing familiarity with the story...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why LOTRO needs a progression server

At some point this year -- Turbine isn't saying when, yet -- Lord of the Rings Online will be making an effort to consolidate...

Massively Overthinking: The pure PvE ‘niche’ of MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking question is posed by Kickstarter donor Winterskorn, who wants to talk about something getting less and less love in MMORPGs lately: PvE. "There...

Lord of the Rings Online announces 8th anniversary awards

Lord of the Rings Online turns -- wow -- eight years old this month, which means that the game is not only throwing an...

The Daily Grind: What promised yet undelivered feature sticks in your craw?

There are few things more annoying than a developer promoting an upcoming feature or change and then never delivering on it. Four expansions later,...

LOTRO explains new legendary imbuement system, preps anniversary

One of the big ticket items for Lord of the Rings Online's Update 16 is a revamp of the legendary item system with something...

Global Chat: Are MMO players too mean to game developers?

Is it too easy to forget that MMOs, like all video games, are made by people just like you and I? Belghast over at...

Get a sneak peek of LOTRO’s Update 16

Lord of the Rings Online is gearing up for a big content push this month with Update 16. The devs put the patch on the...

One Shots: Row, row, row your boat

When I'm perusing my One Shots mail folder seeking that special picture that will make the headlines, I'm not looking for anything in particular....

LOTRO Legendarium: Why you need to read the books if you play the game

While my Kindle is loaded with so many new books I've yet to read that I really should take a few months off to...

The Soapbox: The misguided quest for MMO stickiness

This guest Soapbox was originally commissioned in 2015 through Massively Overpowered's Kickstarter campaign and is authored by Tyler F.M. Edwards, who blogs at www.superior-realities.com....

Jukebox Heroes: Seven MMOs with player music systems

A few weeks ago I asked the Massively Overpowered community if all MMOs should come with player music systems. In my opinion, at least,...

Elite releases 86-track OST while LOTRO buffs its music system

It's a two-for-one music Monday here at Massively Overpowered! For starters, Elite: Dangerous is now selling its physical soundtrack as a 3-CD set. The...

The Game Archaeologist: Middle-earth Online

Out of all of the MMOs that I've played over the years, I must have spent the most time in Lord of the Rings...