maintenance mode

Don’t look now but Blizzard has been quietly patching up Heroes of the Storm

When it comes to Heroes of the Storm, Blizzard is putting the "maintenance" back in "maintenance mode" as November 16th saw a new patch...

Project Gorgon, buffered by player donations, has been spared from maintenance mode – for now

The fate of quirky indie MMORPG Project Gorgon has hung in the balance over the last few days following the news that the soft-launched...

The Game Archaeologist: Firefall, an MMO tragedy about more than just a bus

Back when I first started writing for Massively and was energetic enough to go on trips to trade shows, I hit up a PAX...

Whatever happened to the VR MMORPG OrbusVR?

The beginning of this year saw the VR MMORPG OrbusVR herald a year-long fifth anniversary celebration, which would normally be cause for a studio...

TERA Console cycles dungeons, launches a new battle pass, and improves its pet system

The de facto maintenance mode-like updates for TERA Console continue on, with the latest patch performing another dungeon access cycle, launching a new battle...

Lord of the Rings Online studio pushes back against maintenance mode claims

There are a lot of wild conclusions you could leap to after hearing the report that EG7 put an end to the 2020 remaster...

Survivalbox Chimeraland is stealth-launching a surprise new update today

Earlier this week, we checked in on Chimeraland, finding the delightfully weird title had abandoned its website, social media presence, and Discord, leading us...

Diablo III’s Season 29 will bring one last new theme on September 15 before de facto maintenance mode

The seasonal model that's powered Diablo III for a very long time now is winding down, though fans should try and take heart that...

Dauntless outlines plans for weapon overhauls and a weapon swapping feature coming next summer

If you've been following along with the news out of the multiplayer critter hunting RPG Dauntless, you'll know that things haven't been particularly happy...
i'm a shaaaaark

The Daily Grind: Which MMO on life support do you think should have been a bigger success?

I'm never going to not be a little sad about Champions Online. Not in the sense that it flopped in an unfair fashion; while...
Seriously, though, whatever.

Casually Classic: Hardcore realms are merely a Band-Aid for WoW Classic

Let's pause for a hot minute to absorb the fact that WoW Classic just hit its fourth anniversary. For the reheated leftovers of an...

Evercore Heroes ends updates August 24, ‘significantly’ shrinks its dev team, and focuses on redesign

This past June saw Evercore Heroes, a self-described competitive PvE fusion of MMO and MOBA, enter into closed beta, and though it made an...

Iron Realms puts two of its MUDs into maintenance mode including Starmourn

Those who have dabbled or gone hardcore into the world of multi-user dungeons (MUDs) and text-based MMOs will no doubt recognize the name of...

Not So Massively: Revisiting Heroes of the Storm in 2023

Social media algorithms are a dangerous thing. A few weeks back, Reddit began recommending me the sub for Heroes of the Storm. Although I...

The Soapbox: Why The Secret World really failed

We're back with part two of my long-overdue post-mortem of The Secret World, my favourite MMORPG of all time. In the first part I...

Hyperspace Beacon: Why SWTOR’s move to Broadsword has brought me back to the game

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a special game to me. Like many of you, I've poured hundreds of hours into BioWare's expansive MMO...

The Soapbox: A belated The Secret World post-mortem

This weeks marks the eleventh anniversary of the launch of The Secret World. While the game is still playable (for those with existing accounts),...

Vague Patch Notes: Examining the MMO tiers, from the Big Five to maintenance mode

I've mentioned many a time that one of the ideas behind the Vague Patch Notes column here on MOP is to have a place...
Something like that, anyhow.

SWTOR is ‘absolutely not’ going into maintenance mode, BioWare says

So is Star Wars The Old Republic still moving to a new studio? Yes - but the open secret that the studio is EA's...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: Thoughts on Star Wars The Old Republic’s impending move to Broadsword

My relationship with Star Wars: The Old Republic is best described as "complicated." The game launched at a time when I was still pretty...