marvel heroes

Official Site: Marvel Heroes
Studio: Gazillion Entertainment
Launch Date: June 4, 2013
Sunset Date: November 27, 2017
Genre: Superhero MMOARPG
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

The Stream Team: A midday Marvel Heroes in Midtown

It's been much too long since Massively OP's MJ has enjoyed a nice leisurely afternoon stroll through Marvel Heroes. Of course, there isn't any...
Could mean anything.

Marvel Heroes makes big changes to summoner builds

Pets and pet classes are one of the strengths of Marvel Heroes, as the superhero game has scads of characters that can summon and...

Massively OP’s guide to Valentine’s Day around the MMORPG verse

Ready for sappy questlines, particle effects that look like hearts, and lots -- and I do mean lots -- of pink? Valentine's day has...

The Stream Team: A Marvel Heroes Beast breakdance-athon and giveaway

Massively OP's MJ had so much fun with Beast in Marvel Heroes that all her friends have gotten one, and a breakdance challenge has...
Could mean anything.

PSA: Make sure you submit character feedback in Marvel Heroes by tomorrow

In case you're among the players still unimpressed or even downright unhappy with Marvel Heroes' biggest patch ever -- now a few weeks distant...
Morrowind, feat. Westly's Orcs

Massively OP Podcast Episode 103: Back to Morrowind

Justin and Bree discuss ESO Morrowind and Homestead, PWE, SolForge, Conan Exiles, DDO, Marvel Heroes, LOTRO, and SWTOR, with reader mail on WildStar and Hero's Song.

The Stream Team: Bringing out the Beast in Marvel Heroes

Is your favorite Marvel universe character in Marvel Heroes yet? Massively OP's MJ can now play one of her all-time favorites as Beast has finally...

Marvel Heroes gets wild with Beast and Jubilee

Two of X-Men's finest have joined the crew over at Marvel Heroes. This week, Gazillion added Beast as the game's 60th playable hero and...

Marvel Heroes unveils new variant costumes, adjusts hero stats and abilities

The fallout from the massive and controversial Marvel Heroes Update 2.0 continues on, as players are struggling to adjust to the new game paradigm while Gazillion is faced...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 101: Marvelous heroes

Justin and Bree discuss LOTRO, Marvel Heroes, Trove, Elder Scrolls Online, WoW, Wizards of the Coast, and Path of Exile, with mailbag questions on Standing Stone/Daybreak and MOP's allies.

Marvel Heroes devs gush about new update while Lunar New Year arrives

There are two things for certain in regard to Marvel Heroes' "biggest update ever:" It was quite comprehensive indeed, and it has received mixed...

Leaderboard: Where do you stand on Marvel Heroes’ massive overhaul update?

Past the downtime and the lag and the inventory snafus, how are Marvel Heroes players reacting to the "biggest update ever?" Not well. On Steam,...

Marvel Heroes rolls out ‘biggest update ever’ successfully

Last night, MJ and I were nervous about scheduling her Marvel Heroes stream -- would the game really be back up and functional when...

The Stream Team: Marveling at Marvel Heroes’ mega 2017 update

Marvel Heroes mega 2017 update is now live, and Massively OP's MJ is diving in to marvel at all the changes. Just how exactly...

Marvel Heroes: ‘Biggest update ever’ is underway this afternoon

Right as this post is going live, Marvel Heroes is going dark... at least for the next four hours, that is. The game will be...

Massively OP Interview: Why Ship of Heroes is taking City of Heroes into space

What happens when a group of dislodged City of Heroes fans attempt to bring back the spirit of their favorite MMO while marrying it...

Touring Marvel Heroes with Gazillion before January 19’s big update

While it's true that you can see a good share of Marvel Heroes' mega January 2017 update for yourself on the test server, who...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...

The Stream Team: More Marvel Heroes holiday madness

After-holiday slump got you feeling blue? Massively OP's MJ knows a cure for that: Get a good dose of blowing up some bad guys...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 97: Mailbag extravaganza!

Justin and Bree empty the mailbag out on the floor for a holiday show, tackling questions on Asheron's Call, console MMOs, chat, server size, tats, music, subs, and more.