may the fourth

Star Wars Galaxies Legends celebrates May the Fourth with boosts, Ugnaughts, and a Prima guide giveaway

In case the internet has somehow not already baked this into your brain, tomorrow is May the Fourth and Sunday is Revenge of the...

Star Wars Day around the MMO galaxy: SWTOR, SWG, and more

It's May the Fourth, the modern celebration of Star Wars when the internet erupts with memes and the MMOs run events and nobody's madder...

MMORPGs around the globe celebrate Star Wars day

May the 4th (as in, May the 4th be with you) is upon us, and plenty of MMOs would like you to know that...
It's very much like a swoop.

Star Wars: The Old Republic has freebies for its fake holiday

When aliens discover the cratered ruins of our planet in the distant future and study the records from our civilization, they will undoubtedly come...

May the Fourth be with Star Wars: The Old Republic

If the world around you seems especially nerdy on May 4th every year, it's because Star Wars fans have embraced that date as a...