
See: The Matrix Online


Perfect Ten: MMOs with live-action media tie-ins

Every so often I think to myself that a video game should get some kind of media adaptation before I come to my senses....

Book of Travels adds new caves, opens a new EU server, and releases a trailer encouraging multiplayer roaming

Most of the time entering a cave in an MMO is usually going to see your character fighting things - implausibly sized spiders, more...

The 2023 One Shots Awards: The best MMO screenshots of the year

It doesn't feel quite right to end the year without making sure that everything's in order -- and part of that definitely includes returning...

The Daily Grind: What dead MMO cred do you have?

As truly sad as it is to have a beloved MMORPG shut down on you, there's some measure of consolation that you actually got...

Perfect Ten: Times when MMOs brought about world-shattering cataclysms

The notion of an in-game cataclysm is hardly the sole domain of Activision-Blizzard; on the contrary, large-scale apocalypses pop up all the time in...

One Shots: Dragons don’t like to be in the dark

Just because dragons are big and scaly and can nuke cities from orbit doesn't mean that they lack insecurities. In fact, it's a little-known...

Perfect Ten: How MMOs explain away our infinite resurrections

Why? Why do we die in MMOs and keep coming back to life? Are we in a type of hell defined by endless combat...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

The Matrix Online’s last developer speaks about the game’s story and running the title

With a new Matrix film on the way, people have clearly had a lot of fun pointing out the story developments from The Matrix Online...
When the lights go down in the city.

Design Mockument: Fresh ideas for City of Heroes 2 in 2021

Back in 2019, I had the idea to make Design Mockument semi-regular column because I like doing this sort of thing. I put out...

So is The Matrix Resurrections making you want a Matrix Online resurrection?

Just two years ago, we all learned that the Matrix movie franchise was getting another entry, complete with one of the original directors and...

The Game Archaeologist: Seven ways EverQuest reshaped MMO history

To many veteran MMO players, the opening horns of EverQuest's score are enough to trigger vivid memories, violent hallucinations, and an unstoppable desire to...

Tiny MMO Book of Travels will use early access to ‘experiment’ with player caps

Even all the way back to its successful Kickstarter last year, Might & Delight has maintained that Book of Travels is not a traditional...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would make for a great movie or miniseries?

MMORPGs crossing over into other entertainment mediums isn't unknown to us at this point, of course. There was that Warcraft movie that one time....

The Game Archaeologist: Shenmue Online

If you ever stumble across a Dreamcast enthusiast -- and believe me, they are everywhere -- on the forefront of their diatribe about how...

One Shots: Rubbing shoulders with greatness

It is hard not to feel a little awestruck when you encounter a famous face, even if it takes place inside of a game....

The Daily Grind: Which MMO do you wish had an emulator – but doesn’t?

A few weeks back, when The Matrix 4 news hit, I spent some time digging around The Matrix Online's community so that I could...
Chicks who've broken our hearts.

Design Mockument: Plausible ideas for The Matrix Online 2

When Bree found out that I'm a fan of the Matrix franchise of films, she said it'd be fun to see me take on...

Meadow developer Might & Delight check in with an update on the Travellers RPG project

This past July, we offered an initial report on a game called Travellers, a new online RPG of some form by Might & Delight,...
Which one of you is the Juno Reactor and which one is the Don Davis?

The Matrix is getting a fourth movie – so can we have The Matrix Online back now please?

Last night, Twitter exploded with the news that Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss - along with Lana Wachowski - will return for another go...
My expectations weren't that I would be jumping into this right away, but...

The Soapbox: No, the MMO genre is not dead – but it could use a little positivity

One of my favorite idioms is "dead as a doornail." It always reminds me of the time I got sent out of my 10th...