
The Stream Team: Sharing SMITE adventures and Susano codes

MassivelyOP's MJ has worked her way through the tutorial, and now she's set to join in SMITE's real battles. But is she really ready...

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...

Camelot Unchained: CUBE updates and weapon concepts

Still on the edge of your seat waiting for the Camelot Unchained beta? Well sit back and get a comfy pillow for your butt...

The Stream Team: Friday the 13th frolicking in The Secret World

When you play in The Secret World's filth too long, you're bound to get some on you! But that doesn't matter to MassivelyOP's MJ; she's...

SMITE doubles everything this weekend, gets a Dark Horse comic in December

SMITE really, really wants you to play it this weekend -- and it's not above a little bribery to make that happen. The MOBA's "Double...

Chaos Theory: Making your (cosmetic) mark in The Secret World

When talking about The Secret World, one topic that can't help but come up is the contemporary setting. As far as MMOs go, TSW...

Global Chat: Which MMOs have the best quests?

For some players, quests are either those things that serve to annoy with reading (in a game!) or merely provide gussied-up reward packages. But...

Surprise! The Secret World launches Issue #15

Eureka, I've got it! That's what The Secret World fans are saying about Issue #15 now that the servers are back up. If this...

SMITE’s Susano swings storms and swords

As part of its big patch today, SMITE has pushed live Susano, God of the Summer Storm, the newest entry to the Japanese pantheon in the Hi-Rez...

The Game Archaeologist: Myst Online Uru Live

The impact of Myst's launch in 1993 was akin to an atomic bomb going off in the PC gaming world. The leap forward in graphical...

The Stream Team: Lost in The Secret World’s labyrinth

Although MassivelyOP's MJ thought for sure she could finish The Secret World's Issue #14 last week, when she finally got through the maze of the...

The Secret World works on revamping elite skills

Hope you're not too attached to your elite skills in The Secret World, because change is coming. Big change. Sweeping, epic reform that in...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 63: Leisure suit Larry

Justin and Larry discuss pristine WoW servers, TSW, Trove, Champs Online, SWTOR, lockboxes, and birthdays in CoH, LOTRO, and Guild Wars.
It's the ride.

Funcom launches The Park on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One

In the mood for a bit of horror in May? If you passed on The Park (the single-player narrative spin-off from The Secret World)...

The Secret World assembles a new game trailer

It does appear that Funcom is making a big marketing push with The Secret World lately. Last week the studio activated an ongoing 10-day trial, tomorrow...

Camelot Unchained’s monthly newsletter covers the beta delay and end of crunch

Camelot Unchained's monthly newsletter has dropped, and believe it or not it's on the briefer end of newsletters for CSE with "only" 8000-odd words. CSE...

The Daily Grind: What could get you to love a MOBA?

I am very admittedly not a fan of MOBAs, despite the fact that I quite liked the map type that birthed the genre in...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO business models

Not too long ago, there was all but one way that you would pay for an MMO, and that was as a monthly subscription....

The Secret World announces free trial, Issue #15

If you've been waiting for a really good deal to check out The Secret World, it doesn't get much better than this! Now you...

The Stream Team: The a-mazing conclusion of The Secret World’s Issue #14

MassivelyOP's MJ has worked her way through the missions and puzzles of The Secret World's Issue #14, and she's almost at the end. All...