new classes

Blade and Soul, thoughts are all like butterflies, yeah.

Blade & Soul’s Warden’s Fury goes live today, introducing Warden class, Shadowmoor dungeon, and more

Today, Blade & Soul is receiving its newest content update, Warden's Fury, which brings with it Act 9 of the game's main storyline, a...

Blade & Soul gives players a look at the upcoming Warden class and Shadowmoor heroic dungeon

Blade & Soul players, have you ever looked at a sword and thought, "That's great and all, but it just looks far too sensible...

Gunslingers arrive in Blade & Soul today after a lengthy maintenance

Patch 3.4 hits the live servers for Blade and Soul today, and that means it's time to get your gun and start shooting everything...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

Blade & Soul’s Soul Fighter update is live today

The Soul Fighter does not actually fight souls in Blade & Soul. No more than any other class, anyhow. It mostly fights with soul,...

Black Desert’s Musa and Maehwa class have arrived

If your enjoyment of a game hinges upon how many different classes you can choose between, Black Desert is getting just a bit more...
Sort of!

Blade & Soul’s Chinese version is getting the Qi Master

There's a little more time before Blade & Soul releases here in North America, but that doesn't mean you can't look forward to the...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: The 10 dev stages of every new MMO class

Any game with classes adds new classes over time. It's almost axiomatic. I don't know why absolutely every game cannot be designed with the...
This isn't a promo shot, it is literally this empty.

Skyforge begins second closed beta on March 24th

If the first week-long test of Skyforge just whetted your appetite, you'll be able to get a second helping very soon. The game is...